Book III-Chapter 113, The After Party

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Prince's POV

Their bodyguards were not taking any chances tonight. Despite the fact that they were in Prince and Carlos' hometown, there were always haters everywhere. Frank pulled the SUV into the garage of The Blues Club. He had arranged for Prince and Carlos' folks to also park in the VIP area. Three of the four couples were in their own cars since they lived locally. Prince saw his father's Air Lexus which was a new vehicle for him. He had really been excited when he got it a few months back. He noted Alejandro's Air Chrysler 300. He smiled at how Alejandro had lectured Carlos and himself on the importance of buying American when he brought the car a year ago. He was really disappointed when Royal Sr. had ignored his message. He also saw Derrick and Torrey's Escalade. They parked next to a sleek black Corvette. Carlos guessed rightly that it was Greg's rental car. He loved fast cars and had a red one at home in California. The 4 got out of the SUV and walked to the elevator that took them upstairs into the entrance of The Blues Club. They rode up to the 1st floor and got out, but waited by the elevator until Frank and Larry had cleared the club. It was 1:30 AM and guests, other than those directly related to Prince, Carlos, the band and the club owners would not be admitted until 1:45 AM. They followed Larry when he came to give them the all clear and they found themselves at a series of private tables. Their folks were there and were talking to Jack and Gino Rizzo the owners of the club and friends of Prince and Carlos since their freshman college year. Jack played a mean piano and Gino was a good sound mixer. They had decided long ago though that they wanted to own a premier night spot in their city...and they were now making that happen. Prince and Carlos greeted them with man hugs and smiles and then spent a few minutes talking to their family. Christan had been talking to Royal Sr. and Prince assumed he was traveling by hotel limo since there had only been one rental car downstairs. He greeted his parents and then Christian and said "we didn't know you were coming tonight". "Yes, there was a last minute meeting on the new building that I needed to attend. I'm glad we came. That was some show". Prince smiled, said "praise the Creator" and moved to where his sister was sitting. Prince pulled Torrey out of her seat and hugged her. " Hi little brother" she said. "Hey big sister" he said. "We got lucky and the owner of Derrick Jr.'s pre-school who is a personal friend agreed to watch over the boys and Mimi", (which is what her little ones called Derrick's mom). Prince fist bumped Derrick saying" it is good to see you man". He did the same with Greg Landers. He kissed his mom and Nita on the cheek and then said they would visit later...they had to prepare to perform. They dropped off their things in the dressing rooms and then Prince checked the tuning of the instruments. All were in order including the guitars he had brought with him. They would not sound check tonight. They would just jam! The Rizzo brothers had a bottle of Champagne...very nice Champagne in each of the dressing rooms. They all gathered in the band's room and offered a toast to the Creator for allowing them to see another New Year and then a second toast to a wonderful party performance tonight. They lifted their glasses and then hearing Jack Rizzo giving their introduction, headed to the stage.

As the first cut, Prince cued SHHH. That drum solo would wake everybody up! Carlos smiled, nodded at Prince and then started beating those skins!

Within the first 30 seconds, half of the club were on their feet and shouting. By the middle of the song they all were and were swaying to the music. Prince played his guitar solo and the crowd went the song came to an end, Prince slung the guitar on his back and spoke into the mike. "Happy New Year Chicago", he said. The crowd roared. "We are here to party with you and want to thank you for coming! Are you ready for a good time"? The crowd roared again. "We are going to play a couple of cuts and then are going to take requests from the audience". They moved into If I Love You which pleased the crowd. He immediately cued When 2 R In Love which kept the audience on its feet! When the applause finally ended, Prince asked What would you guys like to hear now. So many people started shouting...he had to interrupt. "Hey, Hey...we need to be able to hear you". He pointed to a woman sitting right behind Greg Landers and asked what would you like to hear. She said "Dinner with Delores". Prince smiled and said..."Love it" and cued the band and they started to play.

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