A Dorky Hybrid☽7☾

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Just when Isabel was at the bottom of the steps another knock came

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Just when Isabel was at the bottom of the steps another knock came. "Oh, what the hell, Josh?" Isabel groaned as she stomped over to the door and yanked the door open but her angered expresion wiped clean off her face as she saw a dark skinned male.

"Hi there. I'm Marcel." He introduced himself and Isabel stopped herself from giving off any sign of fear. "I don't think we've met."

"Hm. I don't think we have," she said with a faux smile.

 I don't think we have," she said with a faux smile

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"It was times like this when I missed the way my life used to be."

Klaus barged through the door of the plantation and immediately started calling for Isabel after he ran into Marcel.

"When I was human."

Isabel let out a soft breath from her nose and her eyebrows scrunched together and her hand subconsciously moved to her stomach. Yet her eyes stayed glued shut, to heavy to open. And she soon fell to asleep to the movement of the vehicle.

"It was simple and normal. I didn't have much to worry about. Not kidnapping, nor witches or werewolves and vampires, not about a blood thirsty hybrid and his family, and not about whether I might live to see my children grow up."

Elijah came through the door and called for Klaus who immediately showed up with an upset Rose -who had tears running down her red scrunched up face- and his own face looking worried which caused Elijah to frown in concern.

"But it was never going back to the way it was and now I had to learn how to live with it and fight."

Isabel finally awakened in the trunk of an SUV with her wrist bound behind her as it drove. Once panic set in, she tried to kick out the back window to escape, but the driver stopped the car and got out to check on her. When the mystery person opened it, he tried to grab her, but she fought back by frantically kicking at him.

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