In Limbo☽55☾

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It was a little bit after sunrise when Isabel walked into the compound, her long hair tied into messy bun and eyes dropping low from staying up all night not being able to sleep with her thoughts.

Every time she lied down in bed she thought of how Jackson used to sleep next to her, cradle her when she needed it, or how Rose or Jacob would curl on his chest when they couldn't sleep or when Hope slept between them. She could barely stand to be in the room any more.

"Cami left around sunrise." At the sound of their parabatai's voice, Elijah turned and stared at her in surprise while Klaus looked at them both with concern. "I couldn't sleep. I saw her leaving from my balcony. She told me she needed to get away." The blonde paused for a moment and fidgeted nervously as she hoped they'd let her in. "So, I was wondering if maybe it was okay... if the kids and I moved back in..?" She shifted on her feet. "Or maybe just a few days?" She added.

Elijah looked surprised but not unhappy to hear her request and he nodded at her with a weak smile. "Of course you may."

Isabel's eyes fluttered in relief before giving him an appreciative look, but before anyone could say anything more, Elijah's phone buzzed, and he reluctantly pulled it out to check it. When he saw what it was, he gave her a guilty and apologetic look. "Forgive me," Elijah said before leaving to deal with his call.

Klaus gave her a small sympathetic smile as he approached the fragile girl. "Bel, this family comes with many, many hardships as you well know, but there is at least one benefit- you will always have a home here."

Isabel licked her dry lips, tears lining her eyes. "Thank you... Nik."

Klaus looked at her, really looked at her and his whole being just about broke. No matter how much they fought or how paranoid he got, Isabel was his friend and one of the few girls to ever really dig her claws into his heart and make her way in. Sometimes he'd forget that and his paranoia would win over anything else and he'd always feel guilty after for how he treated her. His rough hand cupped her cheek and she looked into his eyes and he swore she looked like a lost puppy staring up from the pins waiting to be taken home to a loving family. He slid his hand through her hair and to the back of her head before using his other hand to wrap around her waist. He quickly pulled her in and gave her a well needed hug.

"You don't need to thank me, sweetheart." He told her softly as he felt her sniffle against his shoulder. His eyes were closed and he continued to hold her tightly as if she would fall to a million pieces if he let go. "No matter what, this is your home too. It's not something I'm giving you or for you to take. It's always been yours as well."


Isabel walked into her apartment to see Hayley sitting on the couch with Jacob sleeping on her chest, her eyes fluttering open at the sound of the closing door -her hybrid hearing picking it up immediately due to her wolf nature being on guard to protect her nieces and nephew. She looked at her exhausted sister and gave her a sympathetic look.

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