Brewing In Anger☽16☾

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Isabel was in Klaus' room, sitting beside his bed as she watched over her parabatai, who was laying in his bed, shirtless. His eyes were closed and he gasped in pain from Papa Tunde's blade being embedded in his chest. The blonde looked worriedly at him and tightly held his hand, trying to ease his pain but she knew she was useless as the magic in the blade prevented her from taking some of his pain.

Isabel glanced at Elijah, who was standing at a corner watching with a conflicted look.

"This was all you, Niklaus." Elijah muttered before he met eyes with Isabel.

Isabel sighed as she looked away. "I contacted Cami." She told him, her gaze on the hybrid that was very much still brewing in anger. "She's on her way."


Isabel stood up when she heard hurried footsteps approacing Klaus' room. The door opened and Cami rushed in followed by Elijah.


"Hello to you too Cami." Isabel chuckled as Cami hugged her.

Cami pulled back and looked over her with a smile. "Are you alright? Is she?"

Isabel nodded. "I'm as healthy as a horse." She confirmed as she pulled her hair into a side ponytail that hung over her right shoulder. "I'm happy you could make it but how is Father Kieran? Any better?"

Camille's face dropped slightly. "No. In fact he's getting worse."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Cami."

Cami smiled softly at the girl before noticing Nik groaning in pain. "What happened to him? Did karma finally bite him in the ass?" Isabel chuckled lightly before explaining what happened. "The dagger the witchy bitch gave me is inside him?" Cami asked in disbelief.

Isabel sighed, nodding. "The witch's names is Genevieve. And every second that the blade remains inside of Nik, it will only cause him to suffer even more."

"Who stabbed him?"

Elijah removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves as he looked at Cami. "I did, and now I intend to remove it. Isabella, you and your friend might want to take a step back."

Isabel and Cami stepped back as Cami looked at the oldest Mikaelson, both shocked and confused. "Why am I here?"

"Because Isabella is the only one I know who could take care of my brother without being immediately slaughtered. But she cannot be here because she has some pack business." He used a scalpel to slice into Klaus along the red scar bisecting his chest, before jamming his fist into the open wound to grab the blade. "So, that leaves you who he speaks of with what is a rare degree -for him, at least- of respect and who is Isabels very alive and human friend."

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