A Witch Peace Feast☽19☾

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Isabel walked out of the shack while drinking some of her tea while Rose came out on her feet slightly stumbly next to her mother sipping on her sippy cup.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Seriously, what is going on?" Isabel asked, looking at all the new werewolves who had flooded the encampments. Rose stopped and held onto her mothers leg as she stared at everyone. "Who are all these people? Why are they standing out here all weird and lurk-y?"

"They've come from all over. All the packs." Eve informed the younger girl.

Isabel glanced up at Eve who stood leaning against the wood railing and raised an eyebrow. "Why? To see the Mikaelson miracle baby that isn't even born yet?"

Oliver walked out of the shack from behind her. "Forget the baby. These freaks, they come here to see you." He told the dirty blonde who continued to stare at the wolves. "You know, given the place both your parents held in pack hierarchy, and the place you hold over the Crescent werewolves maybe they think you're gonna be the long-lost werewolf messiah or something."

"Wow, there's totally no pressure there or anything," Isabel said sarcastically feeling overwhelmed with so many people wanting to see her.

Oliver's phone started to ring causing him to glance it over, look at Isabel then walk away to take it.

"Hey, Izzy." The blonde werewolf turned her head to see Andrew with a wide smile that she found positively adorable. It seemed like a near permanent expression lately and she had a feeling she knew why.

"Izzy?" She asked. He's only ever called her Isabel.

"I decided we're passed the whole name thing." He grinned slinging an arm over her shoulder.

"Well, Drew." She mocked. "I noticed how uncomfortable you are with all the stares and I know that this pack doesn't like you around. Hybrid and all. So I'm giving you an out for a bit."

"Okay?" He said confused with where she was going with this.

She chuckled a him. "You can go and hang with Davina and Josh for a while. You do know that you don't have to be by my side all the time, right?"

"Right, yeah, of course." She nudged him playfully before bending down the best she could to pick up Rose.

"Come on. We can go to Davina together and we can get me some pickles on the way."


"Enough with all the racket!" Klaus shouted as he walked downstairs trying to locate the loud noise he's been hearing.

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