Hands And Hearts☽54☾

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Camis body was laying on a bed still as a statue, blood coating her neck. Klaus watched over her and looked as if he had no idea what to do with her when she gasped awake, her hands automatically grabbing at her throat as she looked wildly around the guest room.

Klaus, shocked, gaped at her with wide eyes, he had no idea what had happened to her but he knew one thing for sure. She was in transition.

When Cami pulled her hand away, she realized it was coated in her blood and looked horrified as she met Klaus' eyes. "Klaus...?"

Klaus sighed heavily, the weight of what's happening all on his shoulders.


Klaus handed Cami a blanket to wrap her self as she sat on the edge of the bed. He stood with his hand on his hips as he stared down at the woman. He learned partly from Isabel's situation that it was best to slow the violence while in transitioning and in the early stages of being a vampire and he had to be nicer to a human.

"What happened to you?"

Cami's head snapped up to him as she said, "Aurora." While remembering what had happened while she was held captive.


Roasted in front of Cami at Marcel's fight gym as she compelled her.

"The moment Klaus looks at Isabel like he loves her, the moment you know he would do anything for her... You're going to do something for me." Aurora knew she couldn't go for Isabel first, she was to high of a risk and she wanted to start lower on the list to show who she was aiming for. Hailey would have been first but Cami was a human and too easy not to go after.

After Isabel had walked up the stairs to put Hope down for her sleep, Cami excused herself from Elijah and walked into the guest room she was staying in and grabbed a small vial of blood out of her bag before drinking it. Then she grabbed the dagger Aurora supplied her with and slit her throat.

"You will drink this blood of mine and then you will slit your own throat and bleed out silently with this dagger," Aurora said as she placed the dagger in Cami's hand. "You will want to cry out, but you will not make a sound."


"She did this to me." Cami suddenly started to sob, and her voice becomes even weaker. "I died. I'm dead."

"But you will not stay dead." Klaus promised.

"Do you wanna know why she did this?" The blonde stared up at him with watery eyes. "She think you are in love with Isabel and she wants to get to her and she wants you to pay."

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