The Little Big Surprise☽42☾

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Before we go on I want to thank ItzMissB deviously_innocent And PersephoneBeth for all the lovely little comments you leave. I always enjoy seeing the reactions and it's a big reason why I enjoy updating so much. Same goes for those of you who leave comments every once in a while. I love those to!

 I love those to!

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Isabel was talking to Hayley, Aiden, and Jackson inside the safe house, while the rest of the werewolf army milled around outside and inside the perimeter of the building. She held Hope in her arms and rocked her soothingly, and took a deep breath before she said, "okay. Good news? Dahlia still doesn't know that we're here. Bad news? She's given us until tomorrow night, and then she's coming for Hope."

"Well, I say we get the hell out of here." Jackson spoke up.

"Look, Jack." Isabel said. "I wanna go as much as you do, but think- Freya said that Dahlia was drawn to Hope's magic. No matter how far we go, she's still gonna be able to track us! At least this place is spelled- no one can do magic here, not Hope or Dahlia."

"Sure, this place is spelled, but we've seen bigger magic than this break. I say we run while we can."

Isabel sat Hope in her play pen with Rose and she cooed as she looked at her older sister. Isabel stared at Hope with worry and she sighed. "It's a risk either way. She's just so little. It's not fair- witchcraft, magical spells. She didn't ask for any of this." Isabel suddenly got an idea and gasped in surprise. "...Which means that she wouldn't miss it if it was gone..." Jackson looked at her in confusion. "Maybe that's it? Dahlia could only sense her when she's using magic. So, what if there's a way of stopping her from doing it in the first place?"

"She's just a baby." Hayley told her confused. "How are we gonna do that?"

"I have an idea. Although... it's dangerous. Especially now."

Aiden, who had been listening to them talk from nearby, suddenly piped up. "Let me do it."

All three wolves turn and look at him with concern, but Aiden gave them a solemn look. "Look, whatever it is, it's my fault you didn't get away yesterday."

"No, that wasn't your fault, Aiden." Jackson disagreed.

"Please, just give me a chance to make it up to you." Aiden pleaded.

Jackson looked back at Isabel before nodding in agreement.


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