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"All of us live with a demon inside."

Eva skalked around the warehouse, trying to find Rebekah, who had taken the form of her 5-6 year old self in Eva's mind.

"Rebekah Mikaelson!" Eva yelled.

Rebekah- who hid in a dark corner behind some machinery looking scared and whimpering- heard Evas yells and quickly got up to run away.

"You can't hide from me forever!" Eva snarled evilly.

Young Rebekah continued to run away from her in fright despite what the woman said.

"Some days, you control the demon."

Young Rebekah ran right into Eva, who grabbed her by the arms and shook her violently.

"This is my house!"

"Ahhhhhhh!" The little girl shrieked in horror.

Suddenly, Eva woke up with a gasp in her bed to find Marcel sitting in a chair across from her, reading a book and keeping an eye on her. He placed his book down as he looked at her in concern, thinking she was Rebekah.

"You okay?" The dark skinned man asked carefully.

"And other days, it controls you."

Eva glared at Marcel for a moment before smirking and holding up her hands to cast a pain infliction spell on him causing him to collapse onto his knees in pain.


Eva then flicked her wrist, snapping Marcel's neck with telekinesis and causing him to slump over onto the floor, blood dripping from his mouth.

"And it is always hungry."

Andrew woke up from his snapped neck all alone in Kols playhouse, Davina nowhere in sight. He scrambled to his feet and started to panic for his girlfriend.

"It feeds on lust, on longing."

All the children Eva had been channeling, including Davina, were sprawled unconscious all over the floor in a corner.

"And while you may slumber..."

Eva wandered around the Mikaelson compound, but stopped to stare at an old-fashioned painting of Rebekah on the wall for a moment until she heard the sound of Hope crying nearby and wandered over to her nursery, where she found a werewolf guard standing outside the door.

Crescent Queen {2} Mikaelson or KennerWhere stories live. Discover now