Werewolf Rescue Mission☽29☾

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"I did like you said- I kept a low profile, went all over the city. There's no sign of Elijah anywhere," Gia told Marcel.

"Yeah, the humans I know said the same thing." Marcel sighed. "Maybe Klaus is having better luck?"

"No, he's not," Isabel said, interrupting the two vampires. She and her sister had just entered Marcel's loft on the account of getting help for their 'werewolf rescue mission' as Isabel had called it earlier.

"Which sucks, considering how low the bar is around here." Hayley added. Marcel and Gia look at the two in confusion.

"So, you two up for a rescue mission?" The blonde asked.

"Are we going after Elijah?" Gia asked looking perkier.

"Nope," Isabel said, putting the girl down a peg. "That's all Nik. I'm talking about Oliver. Now, he and Lijah were fighting the werewolves together. I've heard that Oliver's been captured and is about to be executed. Now, look- if we can save Oliver, then we might be able to find out where Lijah is."

"'Kay, so what do you want from us?" Marcel asked.

"Just a little distraction. Finn -Esther's son- is the one that's controlling the werewolves. If you can keep him out of the way, Hayley and I can go get Oliver. Get it? Got it? Good." Isabel turned to leave with Hayley but Marcel vamp-sped around them and blocked their way.

"You can't take on all those wolves by yourself face it, Hayley is just a wolf, she's killable and you would have to protect her. Then you'll get killed, and then I'll get killed for letting it happen."

"Hey!" Hayley exclaimed in offense. "I can put up one hell of a fight we'll be fine."

Marcel just gave the two a disapproving look.

"Marcel." Isabel sighed. "Look the werewolves may be answering to the witches, but they still have an Alpha. We just have to find him. We're safe."

"Fine. But don't die." He smiled at her amusedly. "Davina wouldn't appreciate it if I let you."

Isabel rolled her eyes playfully before waking by him and giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Glad to see you care buddy!" She called behind her as Hayley chuckled and shook her head.


Isabel and Hayley wandered through a more remote part of the Bayou, looking around, when they came upon a beat-up trailer in the middle of a wooden area. Suddenly, Isabel heard a creaking sound and quickly turned, catching two arrows that where headed straight at her, in midair. Looking annoyed, she dropped the arrows on the ground.

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