My Secrets, Their Secrets☽34☾

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Isabel Labonair stared at her engagement ring in disbelief. She said yes. Her love for Kol no longer mattered. She was committed to her people and her role. And she would not allow herself to regret her decision to be with Jackson. The least she could do was try in the relationship. And be a good wife to him. A guy like him deserved that effort. And she would not hurt herself and him by wanting other men.

Isabel glanced back up when she saw Aiden drop nearly a dozen moonlight rings into a bowl on the picnic table.

"Well, that's the last of them!" Aiden informed the two Crescent Alphas. "Everyone out here is officially ring-free."

"And better off." Isabel nodded.

"Easy for you to say! You're a hybrid. I'm back to turning every single full moon. And, if the wolves who are loyal to Finn come back here, they're gonna rip right through us." Isabel and Jackson looked at each other, feeling guilty, and Aiden looked anxious as well. "So, I gotta ask- when is this wedding?"

"Ten days," Isabel told him before taking in a deep breath. "After that, my power is your power. And the full moon will no longer control you anymore."

Jackson nodded in agreement. "Spread the word- any wolf who wants in needs to be here to bear witness to the wedding."

"Yeah, I can do that." He agreed. "What are you guys gonna do?

Jackson smiled. "We're going to meet an Elder!" Isabel looked at him in confusion, and Jackson turned to her to briefly explaining what they're doing, "we need an old-school Crescent wolf to conduct the wedding. Then, there are the trials." Isabel frowned thinking of blood sacrifices for some odd reason, but Jackson just laughed. "Don't worry to much about the trials! We say a few oaths, do some trust falls, smoke a little blue calamus root out of a peace pipe. Piece of cake!"

Jackson smiled at her, but Isabel still looked nervous.

Aiden noticed her hesitation and decided to leave the two wolves alone. "Well, good luck with that!"

When Aiden was out of sight Isabel turned to Jackson. "Any idea where we can find an Elder?"

"Well, that depends!" His smile grew wider. "You got any interest in meeting my grandma?"

Isabel rolled her eyes playfully and smiled at him as they head off to find their Elder.


"Isabel?" Davina asked, holding Klaus' phone close to her ear. "Klaus and Elijah were just knocked unconcious due to Finn casting some sort of spell on them which means Kol is in trouble if he is trapped with those vampires."

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