Project Rebirth☽24☾

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Isabella Labonair, in her wolf form with bright glowing blue eyes and dirty blonde fur, roamed around the former werewolf encampments with stealth. She dodged all the fallen branches and climbed through the branches that piled up in certain spots.

When she got tired of being in wolf form she went to where clothes were and shifted. She quickly grabbed the clothes from the clothes line and redressed herself before walking toward Andrew's old shack. But on her way she noticed a burnt and melted baby doll -that was damaged during the wolfsbane bombings- in the grass.

She bent over and gulped slightly as she gently picked it up. She caressed the burnt cheek and broke out into fresh tears thinking of her two little girls who she missed dearly.


The blonde wolf held her arms together in front of her large chest as she walked down the streets with tears in her eyes. Her eyes darted around her and she harshly wiped the tears away.

She stopped for a moment and closed her eyes letting the tears fall before looking away and into the window of a store. She saw some pretty jewelry in the window, her eyes stopped on a necklace in particular. It was an periodt pendant necklace with a crescent moon cradling it.

She recognized the stone as Roses birthstone and started to tear up again

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She recognized the stone as Roses birthstone and started to tear up again. She reached forward and placed her hand on the cool glass.

"It's a pretty necklace don't you think?"

Isabel sucked in a breath surprised with the accented voice. These past few months whenever she was outside no one had come up to her and said anything or even spared her a glance. They just went on their way and she was okay with being left alone. And in fact she avoided seeing Elijah, Klaus, Andrew, Davina, Cami, and Hayley.

She spun around to see a tall, handsome looking man with curly brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. "Here, love." He tried to hand her a soft cloth. "Crying doesn't suit your beautiful face."

Crescent Queen {2} Mikaelson or KennerWhere stories live. Discover now