Part 157 ❤💚

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Marks POV-
With jack by my side on the couch, we wait for marvin to get to out house. Jack smiles up at me with a miscevious look in his eyes. I giggle, "What?" "Nothin.." I laugh, "Not true, but okay, I'll drop it." Jack nods and snickers quietly. The door shakes as its knocked on. We get up in unison and answer the door with cheery heys and hugs. "Marvin, how you doing man?! Havent seen you since the wedding!" He smiles, "Been keeping busy!" He turns to jack and smiles, opening his arms. Jack happily hugs him. It makes me happy but irritated at the same time, though i don't know why. When they pull apart, i wrap my arm around jacks waist, pulling him to my side. "So marvin, wanna relax and play some video games with us? We have a fuck ton of snacks in the cupboard." He nods and smiles, "Sounds fun!" We all sit together, me, jack then marvin on the other side of jack on the couch. As we play, Marvin nudges jack when he is beating him, and jack does it back playfully. I get unnoticabley jealous and angry. I sigh and stand up, going to grab Snacks. I sit and eat and take a break from playing. I start getting sleepy and my eyes start to feel heavy. Jack looks over at me and giggles, kissing me. "Want to go to bed love?" I nod, and stand up, lead marvin to the guest room. He goes in, thanks us and lays down, which is audiable from the bed creaking. Jack and i go into our room and i plop onto the bed, "Markkk i have i suprise for you." "What?" He pulls out two long metal rods with words on them. One says master, one says daddy. I smirk, "Oooh, so thats the mischievousness i saw earlier. He grins, "Mmhmm. The key here, is Marvin is here, so we have to try to be quiet. And after i brand you, i want you to brand me, then i want you to fuck me till i physically cant even attempt to hold noise in." He rolls his eyes. "Marvin seemed a bit flirty today, i dont think he ment to, but i want him to know im yours no matter what." I sit there blinking at him, till my mouth curls into a sadistic smile, "Fuck i love you." "I love you too, now on your back, lift your shirt daddy."

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