Halloween Horror Nights (Marvel Cast)

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ScaryTober Day 19: Marvel Cast.
Marvel Cast including: Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Benedict CumberBatch, Tom Holland, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, Brie Larson, Ryan Ryendols (probably didn't spell it right lmao) Jake Gyenhaal, Sebastian Stan, Gwyneth Paltrow, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Tessa Thompson, Jermey Renner, And Anthony Mackie. (I am so sorry if I forget the other marvel cast lmao)

The Marvel Cast decides to go on Halloween Horror Nights. Halloween was coming. Of course it would be lame to sit in their home and wait for trick or treaters. Tom Holland was the one who actually set this plan up. He's an adult. Buy is sometimes a kid. They paid and walked around. Some weird mask thing tapped Downey's shoulder. He looked. He roared at him. Making Robert jump and scream and zoom outta there. "ROBERT!" Tom Holland yelled and chased him. Brie Larson scoffed. "Psh! Nothing can scare me!" She said proudly. A man in a mask with a chainsaw chased her. She jumped and screamed and hit behind Scarlett. "Okay! Maybe I was lying!" She said shaking.

Chris hemsworth tapped on the wood and some man opened a cell and roared at him. He screamed and went to Mark ruffalo. Oh the workers were geniuses scaring these adults who were supposed to be bad bitches.

Sebastian Stan huffed And punched his chest. "I'm Bucky Barnes. Nothing can scare me!" He said. Another worker blew an air horn revealing a clown. "AHHHH!" Sebastian screamed and cling to Chris Evans. "SAVE ME CHRIS!" He said. Chris wrapped his arms around Sebastian. "I'm right here." He said.

At the food stamp, Anthony Mackie, Jeremy Renner, Tom hiddleson, And Paul Rudd were looking at the man who was dressed in a mummy costume. He step forward quickly causing the three actors to jump. He opened a plate which reveled candy chocolate eyeballs. They shook but Paul Rudd took one and ate it. "It taste like chocolates!" He said. The two other actors tried it out. They smiled and agreed.

Tom Holland had calmed Robert Downey Jr down from that scare and soothes him. "Let's go on a rollercoaster!" He said. Robert smiles and nodded and Jake tagged along with him. They sat down. Ryan Reynolds smirked and started to whisper a prank to Chris Evans, Elizabeth Olsen, And Gwyneth Paltrow. They smirked and agreed. "Yo Robert! Ryan yelled. Robert looked. Chris Evans was holding a screw. (No it's not connected to Roberts seat) "Your screw was loose and fell out!" Chris said. Robert started to panic.

"Ride will start in 3...."



The ride zoomed and Everyone screamed. Robert closed his eyes scared that he will fall off and he dead for the rest of his alive but instead..he was..alive?

The ride finished and Tom and Jake whooped and smiled. Robert tiredly got out of the ride. "I'll never..forgive you guys again.." he pointed at the three pranksters who pranked him. Benedict CumberBatch gave him some water. "Thanks.." he said and drink it all. His organs felt glad that cool water was in and not Scotch.

Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, And Chris Evans we're walking along the paths. Until a roar and something in their face came. "AHHHHHH!" They yelled and cling to each other. "What is This?! Spooky house of Jumpscares?!" Chris Pratt yelled.

"Hey! Being scared is fun!" Chris Hemsworth said and chuckled. The three Chris's laughed. Another figure scare him causing Chris Hemsworth to scream and run back to his Mark Ruffalo.

Brie Larson, Tessa Thompson, And Scarlett Johansson we're getting face paint. Brie got a Tiger, Scarlett got a spider, and Tessa got a Dog. They smiled and took a selfie and posted on their Instagram and Twitter and tagged each other and got lots of likes.

After having lots of fun. Everyone was getting hungry. They sat down at a big booth all together eating pizza. They laughed at some Stupid jokes, talked about some of the new
Marvel movies coming out, Etc.

Until the Speaker was heard.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! I PRESENT YOU TO THE MICHEAL MYERS ASYLUM!" The man said and pointed the light to a mansion. The Marvel Actors finished eating and drinking and went to the mansion and Tom Holland knocked. Ryan gave him a 'really' look. "What? It's rude to barge in to peoples houses. DEADPOOL." Tom Holland said. Ryan chuckled.

"Come in~" a voice said behind the door. Tom Holland Opened it and everyone walked inside seeing an old woman sitting there. Smirking at them. "Welcome." She said and blew dusted causing them to cough. The woman was gone. They started to walk around until Tom bumped into a book shelf causing a book to ball and hit his foot. "Ouch!!" He said and backed up and bumped into Anthony Mackie and Sebastian. Benedict got them up just in time before they fell. "Thanks.." Tom said. Benedict nodded and they kept walking around. They got scared by a masked man holding a machete. "ITS JASON VOREHEES!!!" Ryan yelled. The man roared while everyone screamed and laughed.

Being scared is fun.

After that, they were all tired.

It was time to rest and go home.

They slept over at downeys and hoped they'll have a early Halloween celebration like this next year..

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