Car moment (Remy Lebeau x Quentin Beck)

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A early birthday surprise for colorfulpersonality since they love this ship)

"Here let me get it." Remy said and opened the car door of their car while Beck was holding the car seat of their baby.

"No, maybe you should do it.." Beck looked at him. "Why?" Remy gave him a concern look. "I-I don't want to bump his head against the door and pinch him with the seatbelt—

"Beck, how long are you gonna beat yourself up  over a mistake? This is gonna be like the bond highlights all over again?" Remy said.

"I think I suck at being a father..." beck doubted himself.

"What are you talking about?! We're new at this!" Remy reminded him and put the baby bags in the car. "Yeah, But you're just an natural, when you walk in the room, she lights up, and you wipe her with one hand, I-nice, I'm actually jealous of you.." Beck sighed. Remy took a good look at him, ready to give him a lecture. "There's so many things you do and I can't? You babyproof the entire house, you took care of all of the adoption papers, without you, we wouldn't have a baby to injure."

"Just a couple of forms," Beck shrugged. "Actually, there was a lot of paperwork." Beck admitted. "And you got him in all those preschool waiting lists?" Remy reminded him. "Can't believe they were gonna wait until they were old enough." Beck cringed a bit.

"You see that's what makes us a great team, we each have our own strengths, now, who are amazing parents?" Remy questioned.

"We are.."

"I can't hear you." Remy smirked.

"We are!" Beck chuckled. Remy smiles. "Don't you forget it." Beck nodded and Remy closed the door and went to open the car door but it was locked.

"Did we just lock our baby in the car?" Beck's eyes widen.

"Did you put the keys in the bag?!" Remy yelled. "I put the keys in the bag!" Beck said. Remy groaned. "Oh, beck I told you not the put the keys in the bag!" He panicked.

"Don't freak out! Calm down—

"Scott, it's okay!" Remy said looking through the car window.

"A b c d e f g- beck tried singing to him.

"What are you, singing?! People get arrested for this, Beck!!!" Remy said.


"IM BREAKING THE WINDOW!!" Remy grabbed a trash can and tripped while beck was calling 911.

"Emergency assistance, this is trita." The woman said.

"We Locked our baby in the car AND PEOPLE ARE JUDGING US!!" Beck reported.

"I SWEAR TO GOD IM GONNA BREAK IT!!" Remy screamed as ran to the car. "Do not break the window, you're gonna get glass on him!" Beck yelled.

"Sir, please tell your wife to relax, everything is gonna be okay." The woman reassured. "That's a man." Beck corrected. "Really?" The woman said surprised.

"DON'T WORRY, SCOTT, DADDY'S COMING FOR YOU!!" Remy was about to throw the trash can in until-

"Sir we just send a signal, the door should be unlocked." The woman said.

"Check-check the door! Check the door!" Beck said. Remy pulled on the handle, nothing. "It's not unlocked!!" He said and suddenly the door opened. "Oh.." Remy panted and sighed in relief. "That is did they do that?" He said.

"I don't know, but we got it, thank you!"

"Did it come from space?!" Remy still questioned.

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