-Chapter 35

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-Chapter 35: Where I Want to Be

"I believe that you have made the right decision regarding your future," Gai tells me, moving a chess piece on his desk's chessboard. 

Why does he have that on his desk in the first place? He's not playing with anyone, so it can't be fun. Unless he is just doing it to pass time. Maybe?

He looks up, smiling softly. "While this isn't something that you really want to do, you know what is best for you and that HumaGear. Mostly, it is what is best for you and what you want."

I'm aware of what is best for me due to how things are. There is no way for me to be with someone like Horobi. He's a wanted robotic man who was created by someone and listens to a satellite. He isn't capable of falling in love with someone or providing me with what I need as a human who craves human things.

"It is what is best for me." At least, I'm hoping this is. Knowing me, this will backfire in a few weeks or months.

"There is only one more thing we need to settle, Mari." He motions for me to step forward. "I have something right here that you need to sign for me. I'll submit these later and have it get moved through the system as fast as I can possibly have it go." So, he is very shady? I knew it!

I step forward and look down at his desk as he slides forward papers, moving them around his chess board. He is asking me to marry him right now isn't he? But isn't this too soon?

"Are you sure about wanting to do this, Mr. Amatsu?"

"Call me by my first name at all times, Mari. We're now romantic partners who will be tying the knot soon. I'll handle the wedding planning so you don't get stressed out. Your job is to focus on having our first child at some point." Gai places a pen down on the papers. "You can go ahead and sign it."

I should be calling him by his first name since we are going to be lovers on paper and in private. If I don't do that, it'll seem like we're not actually together once this goes public. I'm sure he'll keep it from going public for a bit.

"No one is going to know about this for a bit, right? I don't want Aruto freaking out over me suddenly marrying you."

"I don't want your friends freaking out either, Mari. So, I will announce our union at some point. I'll handle the public's knowledge of things, alright? Like I said, you just need to focus on our future. I am one thousand percent sure things will turn out fine for us." Focus on having babies? Alright, I can do that. 

I bend down a bit and pick up the pen, looking at his face. He's not an ugly guy, which is okay. I won't have an issue trying to be into him with how he looks. I think I'm a bit older than him since he looks younger than me. I should also probably read through all the documents he is making me sign, but I think I can trust him on this one. He wouldn't trick me into this.

He smiles a bit wider. "Is there something you want me to address? If you're worried about that HumaGear finding out, he won't until it is out there. I doubt he'll be worried about you being married to someone since he isn't capable of actually loving you."

"But you don't love me. Why do you want to marry me?"

"Because I do care about you and I hate knowing everything you've gone through. A beautiful woman like you deserves a good life." He looks down at the papers. "Please, sign it. You don't have to read it, Mari, since it isn't a contract between us. It is just to get married." It is a contract, but not a business one. That is what he means right now.

"Don't you need this to go through someone higher up? You know, the legal way?"

"I'll handle any issues. Go on, sign it." He really wants me to sign this.

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