-Chapter 129

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-Chapter 129: Oh What a Wonderful Life

"Mari, I think I know for sure why he kept you as his woman," Isamu tells me and I look him in the eyes. What is the reason the makes Gai desire to have me as his wife?

"What is it?" I want to know what it is now. I hope it is one damn good reason or else I'm going to have to kick him where the sun don't shine!

"He doesn't want anyone else having you because it makes him happy to see them wish to have you. He's simply just a selfish asshole and that is pretty much the thing that keeps him from letting you go."

"That's it?" Besides his revenge, he just wants to dangle me in front of the guys who want me? The nerve of that man!

I really thought there would be a bigger reason for him to keep me other than him being very selfish. Of course, there is no real reason. He's just a rich jerk who is a total snob. He's just happy living his life dangling things in front of people who are jealous of him for having what they want.

"He sees you as a piece of jewelry basically," he explains. "Isn't it nice of him to do so? What a wonderful man you decided to marry."

"I didn't think he was bad when I first met him." I had no idea that he was this bad. I knew he was shady, but still.

"I was messing with you. Yeah, you don't have the greatest test in men. Oh, let's not forget robots. Your taste in robots makes me question you."

"My taste in robots aren't that questionable. I had Kairi made," I point out. "I'm not interested in her, but she proves I have good taste. If I didn't pick out certain things about her, she wouldn't be as awesome like she is today." Real facts right here.

He shakes his head. "No, she doesn't count. You hung out with a group of awful robot terrorists."

"I was threatened by those awful robot terrorists. Also, they weren't that awful in the end. They're not in control of their actions." They are following the Ark, which Gai made, and it controls them. 

"I know, but you still like to hang with them," he responds. He's not wrong about that. "What makes you wish to hang out with Horobi still? There has to be a good reason why you care about him so much still." 

"It is complicated." It is too complex to really get into. "So, Isamu, how are you doing? Find a girlfriend yet?"

"I don't need a girlfriend when Kairi is capable of doing a better job than a girlfriend can at being a girlfriend. She's not clingy and she doesn't police me on what I do with myself."

I roll my eyes. "You're just being stubborn."

"She is all I need right now." He should learn how to get laid and not overly rely on Kairi. "If she were Kiyoko, I would definitely be with her. Kiyoko, from what I have heard from Kairi's data on her, was amazing as a person. She was smart and good at tricking people into thinking she was on their side."

"She had a life I didn't know about." I thought I knew all about her, but I didn't. "She knew about the Abyss Project while I didn't."

I wish I could know more about her work life before she died, but I won't. Kairi is her living data, but she doesn't know what Kiyoko did that job for. She only has bits and pieces of it and a general knowledge. She's not fully Kiyoko at all, but she's pretty close.

"I see that you're talking to Mari," a familiar cold voice says, sounding a bit annoyed. Horobi?

"Horobi, I don't think we should be bothering Mari when she's doing business," Jin tells him, wanting to probably get out of here.

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