-Chapter 170

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-Chapter 170: A Lot of Pushin and Pull

I can't believe that he kidnapped me and plugged in Jin to charge him afterwards. I swear, that Humagear is nuts! He's completely off his rocker and needs someone to keep him in line. I'm not going to be the one who keeps him in line because I'm not here for that. I'm here to end the Humagear crisis, not babysit that robot with the katana!

"Mari, is there something wrong?" Horobi asks me and I turn to him as he stops in front for me. "You seem upset."

"Is something wrong with me? Of course there is something wrong with me!" I exclaim, getting a bit closer to him. I lift up my hands and put them on his chest. "You know that there is something wrong right now. I know that you know that there is." 

"I don't get what you mean. Aren't you happy to be with your family right now?" Just how dense is he? 

I push on his chest, looking him in the eyes coldly. "I hate you, Horobi! I hate you so much!" I shout, my heart pounding against my chest. "I seriously hate you so much right now and I don't want to see your face ever again!"

"You don't hate me at all. Mari, you can never hate me," he says softly, grabbing my wrists and putting my them at my sides. "You're in love with me no matter what. You can't change your heart for me. It is too late for you to be able to do something about your feelings for me." 

I shake my head, my eyes stinging a bit. "I hate you. I seriously hate you for real this time. I'm going to stop you by killing you. You will see that, Horobi. You won't be able to live for long as long as I am around."

He leans in, eyes burning into mine. "You won't kill me. You have had multiple chances to do so and you didn't. You can't do it to me because you simply are unable to due to your heart."

I look down from his eyes and at his lips, which are so close to me now. 

He's right. I can't hate him at all. I love him and I can't stop loving him, which sucks. He's one of my weak spots and it shows. No matter what I do, I can never force myself to stop him. As long as he is my weakness, there is nothing I can do about him and his plans moving forward. 

"What is your response? You should have something to say to me if you really hate me right now."

I look back at his eyes. "Horobi..." I hate how he can read me like a book sometimes. 

"Mari, it isn't everyday that we can spend time together like this. I want to spend more time like this with you once I complete my mission." He misses those old days doesn't he? "I watched over you constantly back then and I still do now." 


"You're one of the only humans I can tolerate." There are only two in that category it seems. It isn't like he doesn't want to destroy Aruto though.

"I'm going to die one day. You know that, right?" We cannot avoid it. Kiyoko tried finding a way to prevent that, but I'm not going to do that. "One day you won't have me in your life."

"I believe that I will. You will come back to me at some point."

He thinks that will happen? I don't know why he believes that. That is illogical to a robot isn't it? Shouldn't he be having logical thoughts? Then again, he does have feelings now. Feelings aren't always logical.

"What makes you think that, Horobi?" I have to know.

He gets closer to me and pulls me into his arms, embracing me gently. "I don't think you'll leave me for good. I believe that we're destined to be with each other, Mari."

"Oh...Horobi..." How am I supposed to respond to something like that? 

It isn't the first time I've heard it either, but this man is in an emotional state. Don't want to make him mad at me. If he gets mad, he might destroy the world a bit faster. We can't have him going around doing stuff like that right now. Jin's here with us and I want to enjoy this world a bit longer. Not like I would actually let him destroy the world. I'll destroy anyone who is a threat to this world's existence. 

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