-Chapter 147

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-Chapter 147: Unparalleled in the World

**Note: A mini review of Saber is below. I do not give any spoilers really (as far as I know, nothing that isn't really common knowledge if you've seen a teaser for it). I give an update on if I intend on doing a fanfic for it or not. Thanks if you read it** 

I place the box down in front of the door of Aruto's place and turn, my eyes landing on a familiar Humagear. Horobi is here? Why is he even here right now? I thought he would be busy back in Daybreak. 

"Horobi..." I feel like I'm a protagonist in some anime or drama right now. 

"Do you want to take a walk with me?" Horobi asks me, looking me over. 

Horobi wants to go on a walk with me? Is there a reason behind this? Maybe he wants to talk about his plans he has for humanity's destruction. There is no other reason for him to really ask me that right now.

I nod my head. "Yes, let's go on a walk together, Horobi." I am okay with going on a walk with him since I want to know what he is up to. 

I move to his side and he turns, heading towards the way he wants to go. I follow, tagging along, and he turns his head. He looks at me and I smile, looking to the side. He has such lovely eyes and they always make my heart beat when they look into mine.

"You seem to be doing well," he comments, taking notice of my state.

"I am well because of you coming by. It is nice to have someone looking out for me." I know others are, but he doesn't need to know that. "How are you doing? Did you charge up just fine earlier?"

"Charging was the usual. You've never been awake to see it, correct?"

I nod my head. "I wish to see it though. I bet it would be interesting to witness you charging." And quite adorable.

I can imagine it. He eyes will be closed and he'll just look like he's sleeping like a human does. I could touch him and he won't even notice. Or would he notice? 

"Why would you even want to see that?" he asks me and I look back at him. "It isn't anything special. All Humagears charge up the same way."

"I know, but you're not all Humagears." He's different from the other ones to me. I don't care to watch the other ones charge up. 

"Because you like me, correct?"

"That is one of the many reasons that you're not all the same. Horobi, I would go over it, but it would keep us here all day long." I do not want to waste his precious time.

"I still do not get why you have feelings for me." He doesn't understand it because he currently doesn't truly get the concept of love fully. He only somewhat gets it. 

I nod my head and laugh. "I don't really get it either, but I do. It just sort of happened." It wasn't something I intended on.

"Do you remember what you thought of me the first moment we met face to face?" he asks me, going down memory lane.

"I am sure you know what I thought of you. I doubt it was hard to tell."

I didn't really like him too much when I first met him. When I first laid eyes on him, I thought he was cold and bossy. He would order me and Jin around and pretty much make me suffer. However, I learned that there is more to him than I thought there was. I began to rely on him and trust him more than anyone else. How is it possible for such a thing to happen to me?

"I know what you thought, but I want to hear it from you," he says. "Be honest."

I stop. "I thought you were cold and quite mean when we first met, Horobi. I also thought you looked mysterious and handsome."

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