-Chapter 72

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-Chapter 72: Tag, You're It

I slide my phone back into my purse and sigh heavily. I have return home as soon as possible. Gai wants me home to make him dinner and to be his perfect little wife. I really sold my soul to the devil didn't I? I'm completely at his mercy most of the time.

"Mari Amatsu." That voice...I don't know the person do I?

I turn and my eyes land on a hooded person. Is this...a MetsubouJinrai member? They're the only ones who can approach like this and dress like that. They don't want to attract too much attention to the fact that they are HumaGears.

"Who are you?" I ask. 

I wonder what they want from me. I know they're going to talk to me about what they want, but I am kind of impatient right now. Can't they just get to the point so I can get on with my life already? I have things to do today still.

"You will not interfere with the Raidrisers being handed out," they say, their voice sounding feminine. So, this is a female MetsubouJinrai member? I didn't know they had another member out there. Why did Horobi keep this from me?

Raidrisers are what they use to hack humans, right? Since the ZAIA Specs can be hacked, they do that and exploit them. It isn't actual hacking though. It is basically giving Humans the power to be similar to a Kamen Rider.

"And if I don't listen to you? What happens then?" I have to know what will happen if I refuse this little offer they have. It isn't really an offer though, since they're demanding I standby and allow it.

If I standby, who knows what will happen then. Isamu might catch on that I'm holding back on some very important information and go to Gai about it. I do not need to have Gai on my butt. He already is on my butt enough.

"I cannot kill you for disobeying, but I will make your life miserable," they answer. 

I don't know their name, but I hope to one day. Horobi never mentioned another member to me at all. Maybe they are his secret robot lover? I think they're a HumaGear too since they're MetsubouJinrai related. No human wants to work with them willing, not even me. Sure, I did stuff I didn't have to do, but I had plenty of reasons to. It isn't like I saw things their way all the time. 

"Fine." I will comply with this figure's wishes. "I will not do anything to stop you from giving people that thing, but I won't stand aside if something bad comes from it. I will stop you from killing innocent people."

"That sounds just like you from what I've been told." They turn. "I will see you around then."

I look away, sighing a bit. "This is nuts..." I mutter out.

It is bad enough I've been keeping that Horobi is alive from Aruto and now I have this to keep from him! He's going to end up thinking that I support MetsubouJinrai and the Ark at this rate when I don't. I am sympathetic to the fact they're being used by something Gai created though.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I reach into my bag and pull out my cell phone, staring at the screen. It is Isamu. What does he want right now?

I slide my finger on the screen and bring up my phone to my ear. "Hello." I hope he can get to the point faster than that mysterious hooded person. 

"Mari, I need to talk to you about something. I don't want your husband to know about it though. Do you think you can meet up with me at a cafe or somewhere he won't think you're out to get him at?" Isamu asks me. It must be something important.

"Uh...sure," I respond. He's going to know where I'm located, but he'll think I am out for a coffee if I go to a cafe. Cafes have delicious coffee usually. "I'll meet you at a nearby cafe to your workplace. I'll see you in a few."

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