-Chapter 189

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-Chapter 189: Water or Wine, Don't Make Me Choose

Yua moves the cup of water towards me and I take it from her, picking it up from the table. We're in the space of ZAIA that is for dining and having fun with our co-workers. I haven't run into Williamson Yotagaki again, which is interesting since he works here. Perhaps he's in his office just chilling right now.

"I'm curious about something, Mari," Yua says, breaking the silence. "Are you going to put down Aruto or Horobi?" Okay, who told her that I have to put someone down? Was it that Elise thing?

"I don't know what I'm going to do about them yet. I just know that they both need to be stopped from making an awful decision that can lead to a war." The moment one of them is defeated is when war will break out and kill tons of people. "I just know of that only."

"Ah." Yua nods her head slowly, understanding my words. "I was worried that you already made the decision to put Aruto down. I know you wouldn't dream of putting Horobi down due to Jin being gone right now."

"I don't want to kill either one of them. They're both quite important to me." Aruto is the father of my unborn child and Horobi is the father of Jin, my late child. "I'm just trying to decide what is best to make this world united. I am the one who has to unite us. That is why I'm unity."

Azu tried getting me to step in and defeat Aruto for when Horobi is defeated, but I don't think I'm needed for any of that. Aruto cannot beat Horobi and Horobi cannot beat Aruto. With the power she has to offer, both of them are equal to each other. The only way any of them will win is if one gives up during the battle and decides to let this all end. 

"When great malice is born, Master Ark can be revived."

Azu is out for the malice in the world and her master, who she knows she can't bring back at all. To her, the Ark will always exist. It doesn't matter if it is the real one or not. To Azu all that matters is malice and war. 

"I hope that you don't have to kill either one of them. Honestly, I want them to both snap out of their stupid ways and become friends. If they can understand each other, Humagears and humans will be able to live with each other. Both of them are the representatives of their people."

"Yeah..." And I don't want Aruto to be our representation. I rather be it because I've bonded with the Humagears more than Aruto has. 

"I wonder who gave Aruto that key," Yua says, wondering about Azu. She hasn't met her yet, so I don't blame her for being curious about it.

"The Ark's secretary gave it to him. I haven't met her, but I heard Jin mention her before to Abyss. They didn't have a clue that I was listening to them." Jin wanted to keep me away from that knowledge and I get why he did. 

"The Ark had one? Well, that makes sense. Hey, does Abyss have one? Well...did she have one?" Yua is now curious about that?

I shake my head. "I never met one when going in and out of the interface of Abyss. The only person I met there was Abyss and usually Abyss was a voice that listened to me. There was no one else there." 

Abyss didn't have a secretary and still doesn't have one. I'm sure it still functions since my belt and key still work. She just flushed out all systems to the point they don't work like they're supposed to. If the Ark got in, it certainly never got out.

"Interesting. I thought that they all would get one."

"Halo Horizons didn't program one. They only programmed what they thought was needed and that was the Rider system hooked to it. Abyss was smart and got rid of any connection to the Ark she could have." 

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