-Chapter 108

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-Chapter 108: But the Road Ahead is a Page Unread

I sit down beside Gai as he sets down his phone. His phone is different from mine, but mine is from a different brand that isn't as popular here. Everyone uses phones by other companies here since they're popular. American brands just happen not to be as popular at the moment.

He invited me to some hotel called the Spectacular Hotel, which seems awfully fancy. I know he's meeting Aruto up here since he sent me some of the details by email. So, I'm not that lost, but I still don't have much clue about what is going on. Everything is hectic right now for me due to my current situation.

"I see that you made it," Gai says, looking at me and turning his body a bit. "I have tea down for you. I was going to have a cup of coffee, but I don't want you to feel like you need to have some." I would kill for a cup of coffee right now.

I nod my head and look down, staring at my tight black dress that is clutching all the right areas of my body right now. Is this too much for being here at his side? I don't want Aruto to get the wrong idea about me and Gai. I still haven't told him about kissing Gai at ZAIA.

"Ah, here there are," Gai says and I look up and over as Aruto and Izu enter the room. It is great to see them right now.

Aruto sits down and he pulls a cup closer to him. "I see that you're early, President Amatsu," Aruto says and his eyes go to me. "Mari."

I bow my head a bit. "Aruto."

"There is no need to be shy with each other. You can say how much you desire my wife in front of me," Gai tells Aruto, giving him the okay to be kind of normal with me. I'm sure if Aruto does, Gai will just record it and share it with the entire universe.

Besides, it isn't appropriate for Aruto to voice his feelings to me in front of Gai and Yua. Both of them are not to be trusted right now. None of them can be trusted except Aruto. I think I can only somewhat count on Yua, but she's mostly his lackey at the moment and has turned me over to Gai a lot. 

"It is fine." Aruto's eyes go to Gai. "So, it is that time again, huh?"

"Yes, it is time for the fourth round of the five-round competition between our companies," Gai responds. I think Yua is behind us now since she was off in the corner when I came into the room. "This round will be a firefighter showdown."

"A firefighter showdown?" Aruto asks. That is an interesting showdown to do.

"Yes, it will be a firefighter showdown," Yua answers. "Our representative is Captain Takeshi Homura."

"How about this firefighter for our representative?" Izu asks, putting a hand up to the right HumaGear module and touching it. A hologram screen appears, showing a firefighter HumaGear doing a pose. "Firefighter-type HumaGear, 119nosuke."

"119nosuke?" I can't believe that is a name for a HumaGear. It makes Horobi's name sound so beautiful and his name means 'destroy' if I'm correct.

I get the meaning behind the name, but does he really need to be named that? It doesn't seem all that fitting. He's putting out fires and saving lives! Shouldn't he get a more fitting name for himself? 

"119nosuke? He's perfect!" Aruto nods his head and I look at Gai, trying to resist the urge to smile from Aruto's cute reaction to 119nosuke as his representative. I must remain serious during this meeting. 

"What are the rules?" Izu asks, getting straight to business.

Gai picks up his steaming drink and stares ahead at Aruto. "The rules are simple. Whoever saves the most people from a fire will win. It is a simulated fire, so it won't be dangerous to anyone participating." So, it is simple this time? I wonder what could go wrong.

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