-Chapter 171

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-Chapter 171: I Just Wanted to Hear That Love Thing Again

Horobi is building an army right now and there is nothing I can really do to stop it.

I am unable to fight him because of my own heart, which doesn't want to lose him again. No matter what I do, I can't stop Horobi from doing what he wants to do. If only I could get the courage to stop him by using brute strength, but I cannot. I hope that Jin can do something because I can't. Right now he's still resting up and trying to recover from what happened to him because of the Ark.



Horobi pulls me closer to his body, holding me gently in his arms. "Are you comfortable right now?"

I nod my head slowly. "Yes," I answer, being honest. "I am quite comfortable with you right now." It isn't a lie that I'm physically comfortable with him, but not mentally. He needs to stand down immediately. 

"That is good."

"I love you," I say, lifting my head upwards a bit and staring at the underside of his face. "I really do love you, Horobi. I know I moved onto Aruto, but that doesn't mean I didn't love you." It would be easier if I didn't develop an attachment to him, but I did. 

Why do things have to be so complicated for me right now? Why does life always make things so complicated for me? I meet Horobi and fall for him, then I bump into Gai and marry him, and lastly I lose Horobi and fall for Aruto completely. Life must really hate me. 

He moves his head down a bit, looking down at me. "I love you too. I only understand love because of you, Mari. You're the most important human being to me. I will not let you be destroyed."

If humanity goes, I want to go down with it. I can't tell that to him though. He won't allow me to go down with humanity if he destroys it. He's certainly living up his name, which means destroy. I wonder if that was his original name or not.

"I am happy to be able to hold you like this. I'm yours and you're mine."

"Do you want to be happy like this with me for the rest of your life?" I ask him curiously. 

I wish I could see inside him and understand what makes him up more. I want him to stop this and see how wonderful humanity can be. Humanity isn't full of total darkness at all. There are people who are wonderful. Aruto proves that. 

"I want that." I don't know if he truly understands that, but he says he wants that. So, I should trust him on that.

I nod my head and he leans down and presses his lips against mine. I close my eyes as he kisses me softly, his arms still around me. I have to let this man go at some point. If he cannot change, then something has to make him change. It is wrong to be like this with each other. 

I pull my head back, opening my eyes up, and look him over as my heart aches a bit. 

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"I want to touch your hair and all, but I feel like that its something that you won't like." I don't think I can tell him what is on my mind at all right now. I can only keep it to myself. 

"Touch me wherever you want to touch me at. Just don't remove my head adornment." Knew it.

"You appear to have nice arms." They look muscular like human arms. It is amazing how they get them to appear so realistic to the human eye. 

"I guess that might be true. Are you into that kind of thing?" 

"I appreciate good looking men who have good bodies just like men appreciate me because of my body." I place a hand on his back and run it on it, feeling up his nice Humagear body. "Yeah, in good shape." Aruto has a nice body as well. Very nice. 

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