-Chapter 109

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-Chapter 109: Chronic Out-of-Stater

**Note: Contains spoilers from the show. If you haven't seen it, it is your fault if you keep reading and see it. This warning is here to let you all know about it. Thanks**

"Had enough of the indoors you two?" Isamu asks as the two HumaGears making their way towards wherever they want to go. 

Well, they actually can't go anywhere. We're in their way and interrupting their fun time of catching up with each other. Those two aren't going anywhere anytime soon. 

I stare ahead as Jin and Horobi stare at me and Isamu. Jin's lips curve upwards and he steps closer, making his way towards us. I turn to Isamu as he pulls out his gun and I look back at Horobi and Jin. He's going to shoot them isn't he? And Horobi is without his straitjacket! He's so handsome without it and I can't help but admire his perfection.

And there's Jin!  He's now in a fancy outfit that is way different from his previous one. He no longer has a hood for his head and it seems to be a suit that doesn't match at all. One side has stripes and the other does not. Part of his suit collar does have stripes on the right side, which doesn't go down too long on that side.

"I am going to end this here and now!" Isamu shouts. He didn't tell me we were going to end them. When did this become part of the plan? 

"Isamu, stop!" I grab his arm and force him to point the gun at the ground, keeping him from using it. "We're not here to fight them. You told me we would just be asking questions about how Horobi got free and where the missing member of MetsubouJinrai is."

"I lied to you to get you to come out and fight them," he tells me. He brought me here to fight them?

"Were you waiting here the entire time for us?" Jin asks us and I look at him as he gets closer to us. He stops a bit in front of us, staring at us with a smile on his cute face.

"None of your damn business! Mari, get ready to fight!"

"Fight...them?" I don't even have a key or driver right now!

I don't want to fight either one of them. Jin has a lot of power and Horobi has his katana. I'm not looking to get flown into the sunset by Jin and I'm not looking to get stabbed by Horobi. I don't think engaging in hand-to-hand combat with either one of them is a good idea at all. They have the clear advantage.

"Mari, do you know where my key is?" Horobi asks me, wanting some answers. "Does he have it?" Oh, I love how he looks at me.

"A.I.M.S. doesn't have your key, Horobi," I answer. "I...I think I know who does." Gai told me he stepped on Horobi's chest and that tells me he went into the base of MetsubouJinrai where he was found later. He must have snatched up the key.

"You were repaired by ZAIA, not A.I.M.S.," Isamu states. "I wouldn't have repaired you at all ever." To be exact, Yua made Horobi into a refurbished Horobi. I'm pretty sure she was the one who did despite no proof of her doing so existing.

"ZAIA has your key, Horobi," I tell him, turning my head and staring him over. "Gai Amatsu, my husband, is the one who probably stole it from you. He is the one who found your body in the first place." He put his foot right on him and treated Horobi like trash. How could anyone treat him like that?

"Who's side are you even on?" Isamu asks me and I release his arm, stepping back from his body. "You're giving them information that they shouldn't have, Mari. I didn't bring you here so you can share intel with them again." That isn't why I'm here either, but Gai did take something that wasn't his to have. 

I turn my attention back to Isamu, looking at him with a soft expression. "I'm on your side, but I'm not going to stand here and let my husband get away with everything he has done. He's going to pay for his crimes and he's going to have to answer to those two." He's going to give back Horobi's key and deal with whatever else he deserves to have happen to him. Besides, he stepped on Horobi and he should pay for doing so.

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