-Chapter 146

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-Chapter 146: I'll Stay Here Even If It's Hard

I open the door to Yua's place with my key she gave me and step inside, my eyes looking around the nice place. It isn't anything like Allen's place, but it is nice. I don't mind these kinds of normal housing.

"I'm home, Yua!" I exclaim, announcing my return. I don't have to announce it, but it is nice to let someone have a head's up.

"Welcome back." Yua says, entering the room as I shut the door behind me. "How did it go? You were gone for a long time." I was gone for an entire day, but it was a great entire day with Horobi and Jin. 

"It was nice hanging out with Horobi. We got to do normal couple things." I am not going to hide it. "Jin was there too. It was nice hanging out with him as well."

"Normal couple things?" She stares at me in confusion, obviously needing me to explain things.

I look away from her. "We kissed."

"You two kissed?" Yua asks, her voice going higher than it ever has before. "You kissed a Humagear?" Her eyes are probably wide right now. 

I look back at her and nod my head. "Yeah, we kissed. He treated me like I was his girlfriend. We're not dating though. At least, I don't think we are...?" Yep, she's wide-eyed. 

"Mari, I hate to be the voice of reason here since you're my good friend, but you shouldn't be wasting time on that Humagear. He's our enemy and you know what else? He's not human and it isn't legal to be with him."

"I know, but I like getting to try out what it is like being with one. It isn't like we're getting together really." Horobi didn't ask me out, so we're not dating. At least, I think we're not.

"Mari, you're going to end up falling for him again if you keep being like this. You fell for him the first time didn't you? What happens if it happens again?"

I nod slowly. "I did fall in love with Horobi by hanging out with him non-stop, but that was ages ago. It was like hanging with a boyfriend twenty-four hours a day, which is why I fell for him." Despite his cold words and all to me, I just fell for him. 

"I think you should be with Aruto. He's the only appropriate choice for you. You do not want to be with a Humagear terrorist," Yua says, giving me her thoughts on the entire love life situation I'm having. "It'll cause problems for you personally and professionally."

She's not wrong that he's the appropriate choice, but that shouldn't be so important. Horobi isn't all that bad and it isn't like he got a chance to get with me. Gai robbed him of that and then he 'died' after A.I.M.S. raided his base. Our love story is really a tragic one isn't it? That and one sided.

"Aruto wants me to explore my feelings for Horobi some more and I intend to do that. If he wants me to take the time to figure things out, I'll respect that. I want to give my all to my partner and if they feel like Horobi is an issue, I should figure that issue out."

I didn't want my relationship with Aruto to end at all, but I do get why it had to. He has some valid concerns and I get that Horobi is an issue to him and our relationship. How can Aruto trust me to stay at his side when I'm always worried over Horobi's state. Aruto should have been the one I checked on, but I literally ran to find out how Horobi was.

"Horobi...he should have stayed dead."

I look down and nod. "I understand how you feel. If he didn't get repaired, he wouldn't be walking around right now."

"Do you know anything about fixing technology?"

"To a degree. I didn't study it because I was a housewife for so long. I have no degree." I will one day, but not right now. "I'm going to study engineering or something so I can help further Humagears and their capabilities. We will grow together."

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