Book 3 ~ Chapter 17

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It's been a few days since the battle with Zaheer. Everyone was back in Republic City on Air Temple Island. Korra was unfortunately told that she'd be in a wheel chair for a couple of weeks. Asami was the one who usually tended to Korra since the battle. Meanwhile, Mako stayed beside Lei, as she was laying unconsciously on her bed. Mako was adjusting the pillow on Lei's head when she suddenly opened her eyes weakly. His eyes widened when she saw him.

"Mako?" Lei said softly, Mako smiled and sat on the edge of her bed. He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb against her cheek.

"Thank the spirits, you're awake. Jinora wasn't that sure if you'd wake up," Mako said, Lei smiled at him.

"It's gonna take a lot for me to die, you know that," Lei breathed out, Mako chuckled. He smiled then put a serious face. He held onto her hand, she squeezed it tightly.

"Where's Korra? Is she alright?" Lei asked curiously, Mako nodded.

"She should be resting right now, and so should you," Mako replied, Lei smiled and shook her head against the pillow.

"I think I've had enough of sleep lately, but there is one thing that can make me feel better right away," Lei said, as she looked at him and smiled. Mako raised his eyebrow.

"What?" Mako said, Lei puckered her lips for a kiss. Mako rolled his eyes and shook his head at his girlfriend's sly remarks.

"You're very sly, you know that," Mako smiled, as he started leaning in, Lei chuckled. He placed his hand on her cheek and connected their lips, she kissed back right away, smiling against his lips. They were abruptly stopped when they heard someone cough awkwardly from the door. They pulled away and saw Lord Zuko. Mako widened his eyes and stepped a few meters away from Lei, feeling embarrassed.

"Lord Zuko?" Lei said, Lord Zuko smiled and walked up to Lei. "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to see how you've been doing, I made my way here when I found out you arrived on Air Temple Island. I just needed to take care of a few things," Lord Zuko said, Lei smiled and nodded. Lord Zuko turned to Mako, who smiled innocently.

"Don't be mad at him, I told him to do it," Lei smiled, as Lord Zuko stared intently at Mako. He walked towards Mako and held out a hand for him to shake. Mako was surprised by his gesture.

"You kept your promise on bringing Lei back safely. She means a lot to me, so I thank you and wish the both of you the best," Lord Zuko said, Mako smiled lightly and shook his hand. Lord Zuko turned to the door.

"I think there is another one who wants to give you a kiss," Lord Zuko said, as he opened the door. Kaya came running inside and went beside Lei, giving her a lick against her cheek. Lei laughed.

"I missed you too, Kaya," Lei laughed, as she hugged Kaya from her bed.

After a couple of hours, Lei got up from her bed at last, changing into clean clothes. After she was washed up, Mako took her to Korra's room. They stopped in front of the door. Lei had heard about Jinora's ceremony for becoming an airbending master, and she wanted to see how Korra was doing in spite of what had happened. She was about to turn the door knob but she stopped and looked at Mako, who looked like he was ready to go inside too.

"Why don't you get Asami and Bolin while I talk to Korra?" Lei suggested, Mako sighed and nodded, before leaving down the hall to fetch the other two. Lei turned the door knob and opened the door to see Korra staring outside the window, as she sat on her wheelchair. Lei felt bad for what Korra had gone through. She walked up next to her and looked at her, she had dark circles under her eyes.

"Hey, Korra," Lei greeted softly, Korra looked up and smiled lightly.

"Lei, are you feeling better?" Korra asked, Lei nodded.

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