The Fallout

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Welcome back, Descendants!

And please give Twisted a big Happy Birthday shout out! For her birthday, all she wanted was for us to start posting again, and we're both sick so we didn't think it was going to be possible.

But devinnnicole really pulled through and helped us get these chapters into posting shape. Thank you, Devin, for being an awesome Beta.

So Happy Birthday Twisted, this chapter's for you ;)

(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

On the Isle...

Two days after the Core Four are taken to Auradon...

Hades glares up at the crumbling castle in front of him in annoyance. He usually enjoyed the dragon's banter, he really did. But after feeling his daughter's terror, which had been annoying at the time, though it had quickly dissipated, he was feeling pretty done with the old bag. Especially now that he knew what the cause of it was.

And if he was feeling any type of concern, it was because his daughter was his meal ticket off this shithole he'd been forced to live in. Nothing else.


Well, maybe a little of something else.


Not that he wanted to take the time to figure out what that something else was.

Not that it mattered anymore!

If he had his powers, he would've destroyed half the isle in his rage at finding out she'd been shipped off to Auradon without him knowing about it.

No one pulled the wool over his eyes, no one. Powerful fairy babe or not, Maleficent had gone too far this time.

He lifts his brow when he notices the number of goblins standing outside the doors scrambling away from him as he made a grand entrance; breaking her door off the hinges with a single kick.

What had he missed? Surely there'd be more guards to deal with him. Him, the God of the Underworld! How insulting.

He walks through the foyer. "Oh Honey Cakes," His voice booms around the rock and cement of the castle "I'm home."

"Really Hades?" Maleficent rolls her eyes as she walks down the stairs, "My door? This is what we're reduced to?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Hades grins, "Worried about something my dear, sweet babycakes?" He asks curiously as he circles her.

"I am the ruler of this Isle, Hades." Maleficent blinks coyly, "What would I possibly fear?"

Hades walks up to her and takes a whiff. "Smells like Cereberus' shit to me." He waves his hand in front of his face mockingly.

"Oh," Maleficent gags, "would it kill you to brush your teeth?" She coughs as she takes a step back, "You smell like brimstone."

"Why thank you." Hades rubs his knuckles on his toga. "It's my natural scent babe, with undertones of sulfur."

"Disgusting." Maleficent crinkles her nose, "Why are you here?" She snips, "What do you want?"

"Why am I here?" Hades rolls his eyes before he rubs his chin, "'Why am I here?' she asks like she doesn't know," He narrows his eyes, "Where is my brat?"

Maleficent glares as she bounces one foot, tapping her toes against the ground in agitation, "I've been trying to find her for two days. You tell me where she is."

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