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Heyo fellow Descendants!

You would not believe how many times I started to post this and got sidetracked!

The struggle was real, but I did it!

Go me!

We hope you enjoy this chapter. Slight trigger warning, the chapter is titled Consent because there will be a conversation about consent in context with rape. It's an 'if you squint' kind of thing, but we wanted to make sure the warning was there. I know I've dropped the ball a couple of times making sure that we had warnings, but the title reminded me this time.

Don't forget to leave us a message at the end, we always look forward to hearing from you.

Lots of Love


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

A small smile tugs at his lips as he looks up at the ship. It had been about two weeks since he'd last come to visit. He was sure that had given each of them the time they needed to at least start their workbooks.

He still couldn't believe how amazing these children were. How unique. Deez used to talk about the three so often. Still, he hadn't been ready for the amount of love and concern they shared for one another.

On an isle full of filth and vermin, it was shocking. How these children had maintained such compassion and understanding, it was a miracle.

The way they'd worked to keep T alive, to keep Deez and Gil safe from the worst of the injuries; the selflessness was touching. The Captain and her family were everything Deez had shared with him and then some. The level of trust between them would even be envied in Auradon, let alone the isle. Gil hadn't argued Uma's orders once, even though he was clearly concerned and worried. And the gentle way he handled Deez, the almost indestructible demi-god, was just sweet.

And Uma and Harry?

He'd never seen two people work better in silent unison. Quickly processing whatever he said, and following it to a T. He was sure without their dedication and constant diligence, T wouldn't have survived his sickness.

Speaking of T. His eyes sweep in the direction of the cabin. To have kept everything hidden so well for so long? To have been able to move still with the pain he must've endured on a regular basis if the old scars covering her body was any indication was nothing short of impressive. And terrifying. The amount of will the kid possessed. He shakes his head. It was a miracle he'd pulled through the abuse and torture he'd endured. Then to successfully fight the infection that followed? Either the boy or the girl refused to die. Maybe both. Shocked seemed like an understatement for how he'd felt when T had made it one day after another.

He'd wanted to come here, to this isle to help the children of villains. To teach them. To guide them to good when no one else would. But the Captain and her family had somehow figured it out on their own. All five were so unique. So different. So quick and intelligent. He'd never had the pleasure of enjoying everyone in a family before. He genuinely felt lucky to witness and be involved in their lives.

He slowly walks up the gangplank, waving at James before he knocks on the cabin door.

"That had better be-" The door snaps open and Uma blinks up at him in surprise, "Oh. Yensid. Uh, come in." She takes a step back.

"Yensid!" He hears Deez call out cheerfully before he feels her press against his side.

Being with her family had done wonders for her. She'd always been surprisingly hopeful despite being so sensitive to her surroundings. But now the affectionate girl he always knew to be hiding behind the defensive mask was thriving. "It's good to see you too." He greets her with a warm smile as he returns her hug.

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