Tough Love

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Hey Descendants,

We've got another update for you :)

Are you ready for some Tough Love?

Yeah, you knew this was coming.

Lots of love!


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"Get back in the cabin!"

T jumps out of the chair, nearly knocking it to the ground as he blinks down at whatever project Faustina had been in the middle of. That sounded urgent.

He blows out the candles, hoping it wasn't going to ruin anything.

"NOW!"James bellows again.

"Right." He grabs Harry's pants before he runs to the door, "Fuck." He hisses as he rips the key from where it was hanging on the wall before he locks the door behind him. He takes the stairs two at a time. "Dammit, dammit, dammit," He repeats like a litany as he races to the deck.

"Ya tryin' ta get us in trouble?" James growls as he points urgently to the cabin door. "Fuckin' sea gods!"

"On it." T rushes to the cabin.

"See to yer damn feet!" James groans.

"Right." T salutes him as he rips the door open, his eye twitching when he slides. "Fuck." He curses as he looks down at the blood. "Sonovabitch."

"Aye, sonovabitch," James grumbles as the door shuts.

He rushes over to the drawers and throws Harry's pants in his drawer before he races to grab a cloth and dips it in the frigid water before he runs back to the spot to clean the blood off the floor.

A splash outside the door catches him off guard.

"Thank you!" He hollers when he realizes what James was doing.

"You better be ah thankin' me from yer damned hammock!"

"Yep!" T wipes up the blood before he stands, groaning when he sees the rest of the blood tracks he'd left in his wake. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." He groans again as he looks down at his blood-covered feet. "Dammit."

He quickly runs and wrings the rag out over the tub before he drops it to the floor and starts cleaning his tracks back to the hammock. His eye twitches when he realizes he didn't know what to do with the rag once he's back to his corner of the room. "Fucking dammit." He bends and picks it up before he tosses it over to the top of a shelf.

This was going to bite him in the ass.

Fuck. What the hell was he supposed to do with his pants? He grimaces, his hands on the waistband when he hears James greet Uma.

"Hey, Captain. Enjoy your adventure at the cove?"

Fuck. He curses as he grabs his books from the table before he rushes to get into the hammock. His eyes sweep the floor, for the first time grateful the wood was so dark.

"Sure did. Anything interesting happen while we were gone?"

Dammit. He throws the blankets over him.

"Not unless you count a street urchin getting noisy."

He opens the workbook, closing his eyes with a sigh when he realizes it wasn't his handwriting in the stupid book.

Fuck his life, he drops his head backward.

Fuck it. Looks like Deez is lucking out today. He just hoped the four would be too tired to pay the fuck attention.

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