Damned if You Don't...

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I thought maybe it would be good to start posting on Thursdays instead of Fridays, since Friday we also do the Live Event on FaceBook.

But, back to the chapter...

Last update we were Damned if you do with Harry, Uma, and Faustina. At least they found out what was going on with T out on the isle though, right?

Today we're Damned if you don't with Gil and Deez.

We hope you enjoy,

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Gil cradles Deez to his chest as he stares up at the barrier above them. So far this day was turning out to be a tangled mess of confusion.

Deez running wasn't new, but it had been a while. And after seeing it happen a second time, he was pretty sure she was actually blanking on them.

It was scary to see anyone blank, but seeing Deez like that made his heart lodge painfully in his throat. He didn't want to think about what would happen if she ran off the ship in that state.

Just the thought sends a shiver down his spine.

He knew that Deez could protect herself. Had seen it. But in that state?


He was pretty sure not even she could do that.

He sighs as he shifts against the mast behind him. It had taken him and Uma over two hours to find her in the hold.

Two long, painstakingly slow hours.

When they finally found her she was curled up in a tiny ball, wedged behind her makeshift wall at the very back of the hold.

The hold.

He takes in a deep breath, reminding himself that he was outside now.

They probably wouldn't have found her if she hadn't been shaking. The slight noise of the wood shifting around her was the only hint they had to pull crates out.

And the sight nearly split his heart in two.

He wasn't sure when screaming and yelling started setting her off like that. But thinking back on it, Uma had been in a much better mood since quitting the shop. Even when she was stressed.

And they missed a huge part of Uma stressing out over T coming back to them so hurt.

His eyes narrow thoughtfully. Had Uma been yelling much lately? Specifically in front of Deez?

Or at least in her completely exasperated, boiling rage tone?

Maybe yelling had always affected Deez like this, but they'd never noticed it because they were always so happy just to see her in the past.

Still, it was something they were all going to have to talk about eventually. He carefully runs his fingers through her silky hair as he continues to coax her gently back from wherever she'd gone.

And then there was T. Or rather, the not T.

He never imagined he'd see the day where T bowed to anyone. Or spoke so softly. Or apologize so sincerely. Or look so... Tame in general. Even his eyes looked different. Still the pretty green they'd always been but, different, something in their depths was unsettling.

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