Revelations & Devistations

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We're back with another update!

You ready for a few Revelations & some Devastations?


We'll let you get to it then. Enjoy!

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Uma tilts her head in surprise when Faustina's slow and clumsy strokes quickly shift to well-practiced ones.

In under an hour.

She looks to Harry, who shrugs and grins at her.

"I ain'nah gonna be'ah complainin'." He chuckles.

"I'm not either but-" She watches as Faustina does a flip under the water before she breaks the surface with a giggle. Taking a deep breath before she dives back under to do a backward handstand. "I wasn't expecting her to take to it so quickly." She admits sheepishly. "Or so-" She narrows her eyes,

"Able ta be ah havin' fun with it?" Harry finishes for her.

"Yeah," She grins. It was actually pretty nice. In her past experiences with teaching her family how to swim the first time was usually the worst. Though, she was pretty sure it was worse for her when she was teaching T. She really thought he was going to drown. And worse, he seemed okay with it. Her teeth set on edge at the memory.

"How ya be ah likin' the water?" Harry calls out when Faustina surfaces again.

Faustina giggles, "It's amazing." She wades for a moment as she pushes her hair, and by proxy her hoodie, out of her face. "I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. Thank you both." She smiles brightly.

"You did all the work." Uma smiles back, "Play around, make sure you're good and get used to the feeling."

Faustina giggles again, "Okay, Captain." She dives back under the water like she's been waiting for permission.

"Neptune's mercy do I be ah lovin' her hair," Harry whispers before he shakes his head.

"Okay Lover Boy." Uma snorts before pats his shoulder. She looks down, easily finding the red among the black. She was surprised by how clear the pool had gotten. "It's because it's red, isn't it?"

"Aye, it be such ah pretty color on them."

She chuckles as she pulls herself onto the seat. "Much better than black, that's for sure." She agrees. Still confused and concerned why Frollo had changed their appearance so drastically.

"Aye..." Harry rubs the back of his neck, "I wonder what Jay and them be ah findin' out Auradon side." He frowns.

Uma bites her lip, "Doesn't really matter anymore, does it? He's gone, she's free, and under our care. That's what's really important." She chuckles as Faustina twists in circles after kicking off the side of the pool.

"I be ah hopin' so." Harry smiles before it turns into a thoughtful frown, "But, were it bein' that easy with me an' Gil?"

Uma glances at him with a frown, "I didn't mean it like that, Pretty Boy." She shakes her head. "Just mean we might never know why he changed her appearance so much when he had her locked away, and that's gotta be okay."

Harry slowly nods in agreement. "Aye, right ya be, Cap'n."

She reaches up and ruffles his hair. "When we first found out about her, I never expected her to be so... Girly? I guess," She chuckles, "How pissed do you think she was when T chopped off their hair? They used to have so much."

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