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Hey Guys,

Sorry it took so long to get this posted. My computer starting fighting with the internet, and then they stopped talking for a bit. But the drama clearly ended and they're friends again.

So without further ado, enjoy the chapter.

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Uma looks up from her workbook when she feels a set of eyes on her. "T." She looks up with a glare, surprised that he'd managed to perch in the seat across from her so silently. She resists the urge to groan. Great. She was starting to think T was taking their predictions of who was staring at them as a challenge.

"How do all of you always do that?" T grumbles, "Do I smell or something?"

"Nope." Uma smirks as she leans over the table, bracing her chin against the palm of her hand, "What's up? You're never in here this early."

"It's barge day." T grins, "And you said me and Deez could dip out. Can I switch today? I know she has letters to drop off. And I could use her help with pickin' some herbs and carrying whatever scraps of metal we can find."

"Don't you have a thing with Harry tonight?"

"Oh yeah." T frowns, "Then can I split the hours up so I can do both? I don't think it's going to take more than a couple of hours."

This fucking kid. She still wasn't sure what she should do with him after that stunt he pulled at the cove. Little ass hole. "You really have a brass set, don't you?" Uma drums her fingers on the table as her eyes sweep to the bed where Deez was currently asleep, curled up in Gil and Harry's arms like a small doll.

"I mean, yeah?" T grins at her. "I'm the only one who can tell the difference in metals since the Pup's gone, and Deez isn't affected by the sap or leaves of the plants that I need. She needed to go to the barge anyways."

Uma sighs, "And she's been wanting to practice walking the docks." She shakes her head, "Gil's gonna end up going with ya."

T frowns, "No offense to Gil, but he is not fast, and I wanna go with Harry tonight."

"Neither is Deez when she's facing a fear." Uma points out with a glare.

"Yeah, but I figure Gil could just meet us at the cove with the dingy, I can deal with getting the Princess over the dock. But once we're off we can both jet. Besides it'll be good practice for her to pace herself better so no one figures out it's her. " He grins.

Uma purses her lips. T had her there. It was one of the biggest reasons she was afraid to let Deez off-ship unless it was necessary.

"An' 'sides, you know me, we'll keep to the shadows once we're in the city, she needs more practice there too, especially now that she's rockin' a hood. I can't tell you how many times I misjudged something 'cause the damn thing got in the way."

"So you plan to help her with the docks, barge, practice sticking to the shadows and wearing her hood, then end up at the cove?"

T nods, "Also the herbs."

That could take the majority of the day. Uma sighs, "Fine. This time, you can go out with Deez for the day, and then Gil and Harry can meet you at the cove so you can help him with his thing tonight."

"Sweet." T grins widely. "Thanks, Uma."

"When are you planning to head out?"

"I wanna try to hit up the barge before it's picked clean, so ya know, when she wakes up, or now or whatever."

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