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So, Heya!

Sorry about Monday, it's been one hellova week...

And I know Dark usually writes these, but she just knocked herself in the head and needed some rest before we went live tonight- Which is going to be a bit late tonight, I'm thinking six-thirty our time for those of you that pop in *cough*Wolf Girl*cough*. So that left me with the posting.

That being said enjoy the chapter before we see you then!


Deez sits at the end of the table, staring at her letter to the king, while her family whispers excitedly at the other end.

Now that things were starting to look brighter she was happy to be writing again. This letter was going to sound a lot more cheerful at the very least.

She was excited to see what a family initiation looked like. More than that, she was excited to finally be a part of the family. But until T was up and moving again, she could pass the time with her letter.

"Sup?" T walks into the room in confusion, "Ya needed me?" He rubs the back of his head as he walks over and perches on the back of a chair next to her, already reading the letter over her shoulder.

"How ya be ah-"

"I left a letter." Deez shrugs as she finishes a sentence before setting the pen down.

T nods.

"Of course you did," Uma chuckles, "good looking out Baby Girl."

"You guys were getting really creative," She chuckles, "but I figured simple was better for T."

T tilts his head to the side before he shakes it and shrugs.

Harry grins as he rubs the back of his neck, "It were'nah bein' nothing that bad."

"Mostly just the idea to send Shrimpy in, or have me knock." Gil shrugs.

"To name a few." Uma shrugs, "But now that yer here." She grins as she shimmies her shoulders, "We can finally get this started."

"Yes!" Harry holds his hook above his head before he slides into the chair next to T.

Gil grins as he ruffles Deez's hair before he sits next to her, easily sliding an arm around her shoulders.

T frowns as his eyes sweep over them.

"So, what do we do to join the family?" Deez asks excitedly as she scoots closer to Gil.

"Ah." T nods before he looks to Uma.

"We make a blood oath." Uma answers as she opens the chest on the table in front of her, "We become family by blood. So we'll be the family that chose each other, but we'll also be bound together by blood. A true family, through and through."

Gil chuckles giddily as he nuzzles Deez's hair with his cheek, the strands clinging to the light stubble starting to grow.

"I've been trying to get Deez to bleed for years." T frowns.

"Well, I learned something while I was on the run from Maleficent." Deez admits though she frowns as she pulls Gil's hand up to look at his palm, "But I don't think I can make this on my hand."

Harry frowns as he looks from the small dagger in the chest to Deez, "Wait, ya can be ah bleedin'?

Deez nods as she bites the tip of her thumb, wincing before she pulls it back with a small amount of blood on her lips and her nail. "Apparently I bite my nails when stressed."

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