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Hiya fellow Descendants!

Twisted and I just finished up an all-night writing session. Best way to wait out the election, in my humble opinion.

Before I go get my four hours, I thought I should post the chapter. Some people who are already up might appreciate it.


Anyway, many of you said you were excited to see how T and Senior handle each other... Ta-Da!

Okay yeah, heading to bed now.

Lots of love guys,


"Yo, Senior!" T hollers as they enter the temple.

"Oh hey, I thought I heard eight legs crawling in." Hades snickers as he pokes his head out of a side room, "Wondered when you'd show up after that-" He snorts as he slaps his thigh, "spectacular performance."

"Shut it." He grumbles.

He fucking hated crowds and so help him if Hades told Harry bout what had transpired.

"Oh hey Guyliner, I didn't see you at the summons." He wiggles his eyebrows, "Let me guess, lost the invitation?" He snickers as he looks him dead in the eyes.

He waves the god off, "As much as I'd love to-"

"Speakin' of love to-" Hades snaps his fingers, "IMPS! PICTURES!"

"Seriously- Wait what?" T freezes.

Pictures? Oh god- He swallows as he feels the blood drain from his face.

No. Nononono.

"Yes oh mighty lord!"

"Coming oh great one!"

Pain and Panic come flying into the room, both holding small stacks of instant snaps to their chest.

His stomach drops.

"Seriously, Senior hold up- I need to know if you know where the fuck the kids are."

"Uh-huh." Hades nods before he pulls the stack of pictures from Panic and searches through them, "Oh, here it is Guyliner." He rests a hand on Harry's shoulder as he drops the image in front of his face. "Great right!"

Harry's eyes widen before he takes the picture in both hands and tries to step away.

His eye twitches as he tugs Harry to his side. "Where are the kids?"

"Oh, well I didn't want them to like, starve, or anything that mortals do, so I sent the imps to release them." He presses a hand to his chest, "God. Asshole. Dick. Jerk. But not a monster, and still not a villain." He releases Harry's shoulder before he walks over, "Besides-" He rolls his eyes, "The spirits of kids are so whiny and shrill."

A rush of breath leaves his lungs as the tension he'd been feeling slips from him, shoulders dropping. "Thank you."

"You-" Harry's brow furrows, "You saved the kids?"

"Yes." Hades drops his hands to his hips and puffs out his chest, "I sent my minions."

"But then that girl showed up and said she'd take care of them." Pain shrugs as he looks through his stack of pictures.

He tilts his head to the side. "What girl?" He asks as he snatches the picture from Harry's hands and shoves it into his pocket.

"The Hook girl." Panic offers quickly as he points to Harry, "The older one."

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