Together at Last

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Hey Descendants,

We had a lot of fun hanging out with you during the COVID Quarantine Facebook hangout, we're thinking of calling it Isle chat, what do you think?

well, you've all waited long enough, we hope you enjoy Together at Last.


Harry grins as he views the giant, stone-lined pool before it falters. How long had this taken them to build? Had their sweet boy and baby girl really been away that long?

His eyes narrow. The last few weeks had been a complete blur.

Fuck. Weeks! It had been weeks since Deez and Gil spent the night at home.

He tilts his head to the side, cracking his neck to relieve some of the tension at the realization. Oh, how he missed the two of them. And if that's how he felt, he couldn't imagine what state the Captain was in.

He was so thrilled when Uma told him to let them know they could finally come home. For more reasons than he could count.

He walks around the pool, his grin widening. He was already drooling about all the things they could get up to in the paradise Deez was currently carving out for them here. How amazing it was going to be to swim together. How much fun it was going to be to rough house with Gil, and now hopefully Deez, Uma, and T.

And of course all the trouble he was going to get into when it came to them playing.

He shakes his head. He was so getting ahead of himself on this one. He turns away from the enticing pool to head for the cave entrance.

The familiar tang of Gil's hammer and heat from Deez melting the metal brought back so many wonderful memories he takes a moment to lose himself in it all. The practices he shared with Jay and T. The conversations he'd shared with the pup. The amazement that never seemed to cease as Deez used her gifts to melt down the metals. The way the six of them would sometimes lounge on the beach and just talk, or sit in companionable silence when Gil or Deez needed a break.


He grins as a smile breaks out on Deez's face before she drops what she was holding and rushes him, her warmth enveloping him as she jumps into his open arms.

"Aye loves, ya can be ah praisin' me cause here I be." He chuckles as he holds the small girl to his chest

Gil's eyes widen before he drops the hammer with a boyish grin as he walks over and gathers both in a bear hug to pick them up. "We've missed you." He grins before he initiates a tender kiss.

"Well now," Harry chuckles after thoroughly enjoying the attention, "if I be ah knowin' this be the greetin' waitin' here for me I be ah gettin' here sooner." He winks at Gil before looking down at the blue eyes staring up at him, "Ya be ah havin' one o' those for me too?"

"Don't be silly." Deez chuckles before she presses her lips to the corner of his.

Gil gives them one more squeeze before he lowers them both carefully back to the ground. "Does this mean what I think it does?" He looks to Harry hopefully.

Harry smiles, "Aye lad. T be ah wakin' up and be doin' better."

Gil pumps his fist triumphantly. "Yes!" He pulls him back in for another hug and squeezes tightly.

"Aye Sweet Boy, I be ah likin' this game." Harry chuckles as he wraps one arm around Gil's neck before he presses his lips to the other boy's cheek.

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