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Hiya Fellow Quarantined Descendants,

Twisted might be losing track of the days, but don't worry. I have alarms for update days. :)

So, last chapter T did a vanishing. Anyone think they know what happened?

Well, time to find out if you were right.

We hope you enjoy our latest chapter, 'Chains'

Don't forget to leave us a sign you were here, and check out the end of the chapter for Twisted's review and questions we'd love to know the answers to.

Lots of love


(See the end of the chapter for Twisted's questions.)

Harry shakes his head as he glares up at the overcast barrier.

He'd searched every hiding' hole he'd ever dragged T out of. Some he'd never seen T in too. Nothing.

As much as it would piss Uma off, he'd even gone to the church. He couldn't imagine why T would return there, but he'd checked none-the-less.


He'd been thinking of circling back and doing another pass when a thought hit him.

Had T left?


That was just-

There was no way T could still be on the ship.

He'd tried to ignore the thought. Tried to follow through with his plan to double-check-

His feet clearly had other plans.

Deez asking if they were sure he'd left was what sealed the deal. The girl connected dots like Shrimpy played with rats. Sometimes it was useful, sometimes it wasn't. But it always was.

He should have trusted that niggle earlier.

Because he really hoped T was still on the ship. He'd take the tongue lashing from Uma, take the effort his family wasted and make it up to them. Anything. Everything.

Whatever it took.

He jogs up the gangplank, waving to James at the helm before he turns to head below.

Uma mentioned the letter yesterday, so maybe T had found his room. Seemed like the safest place to check first.

He takes the stairs two at a time before he catches up the lantern in the hall and lights it.

He wasn't getting his hopes up. He was just checking a hunch.

He slowly walks to the door before he gently tests the handle. Locked. He sighs before he leans his ear against the rough surface.

He smiles when he hears the soft clinking of glass on the other side.

Thank. The. Sea. Gods.

He lets out a sigh of relief.

"T?" He knocks firmly on the door, "Let me in."

It takes a moment, but eventually the door opens.

"Sup?" T opens the door wider.

He sags slightly against the frame, "Sup? That be how ya be ah greetin' me after ya be ah scarin' me half ta death?"

T lifts an eyebrow. "Apparently."

Harry shakes his head before drops his chin to his chest, "Apparently he be ah sayin'." He sighs before he straightens up, "Glad ya be ah findin' yer room an all, but-" He chuckles dryly, "ya could have been ah leavin' us ah note."

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