Thanks for This

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Hiya Descendants!

I got this posted with very little shiny distractions today!

Just a cat or two lying about being fed this morning. (They totally were fed, but they're Harry level dramatic sometimes.)

Anyway, we hope you enjoy Thanks for This, I know I laughed and cringed reading over it again this morning.

Don't forget to leave us some love so we know you were here. We live for reviews and comments. Even just 'hello' or 'please keep going' helps!

As always if you see something off please call us out, or if you have constructive critique let us know.

Anyways, on with the chapter. :)


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

She smiles as she stares out across the ocean, both within the barrier and outside it. Her hands gripping the worn wood as a cold sea breeze brushes her face.

She'd hated pulling herself away from her family when she hadn't seen Gil that excited since he'd found Deez.

However, duty called. She couldn't be remiss as the Captain due to her family. She still had responsibilities. Running a ship, keeping her crew in line, and making sure everything under her was where it belonged was all just part of the job.

The conversations between James, Yensid, and herself exceeded her expectations. Each new lesson in sailing and navigating made her appreciate her role that much more.

She'd always known James was practical. Appreciated his level head. It was the reason she'd picked him to be her bo'sun.

She just hadn't expected him to be so savvy when it came to sailing. He'd easily kept up with Yensid's advice and explanations on the best ways to navigate. Both by charts and by the stars- Though the chances of the latter happening were slim to none.

The point was they were learning.

Her grin widens. She still couldn't believe she was finally getting the skills to sail her ship.

Everything was coming up Wharf Rats.

Her throat tightens. Her ship. The only reason her girl, The Lost Revenge, was seaworthy and ready to sail was because of T. Because of all the hard work he'd put into her. Months of working with James.

All when he hadn't even considered himself a part of the family.

She bends, propping her elbows on the railing as her brow furrows. Was the reason T never seemed able to understand they wanted him to join the family because of Faustina? Because she, like Deez, wanted to be able to look out for more than just one group?

Ooooh. To see the look on Mal's face...

She chuckles, though the sound is drowned out by the waves and carried off by the wind. She hadn't even set out to do it, to snag The Isle's Advocate, Angel, and Guardian in her net.

Deez. The Advocate.

Her Baby Girl. The Compass that pointed them in the right direction. Their Treasure. The one who'd written so eloquently and often on behalf of those who had no voice. The girl who had the courage and the fortitude to persevere despite the odds. Constantly fighting for her cause. Her eyes sweep to Auradon in the distance. Succeeding even. Her passion and inspiring words seemed to ignite change for anyone willing to read them. Ready to stand up and fight for what she believed was right. Her pen was always stronger than any sword. Her words, more powerful than any battle cry.

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