For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Hey Descendants Fam,

We decided to post early!

This is the final chapter of Book Three: Cracks in the Mask.

Keep an eye out for the intro chapter of Book Four: Defending the Mask. I'm me, and I like to get things set up before we start posting the story.


Please remember we love you guys.

No matter what Twisted says at the end.


P.S. A shout out from everyone who's made it this far would be amazing.

She's coming.

Are you staying?

I think ten senses are better than five. I'll be right below the surface, where I usually stay.

He sighs when she slips back, not at the distance, but from how normal that felt.

Her being just below the surface.

It was odd how much it made him feel like his old self. Like a shade of grey balancing between her light and his darkness. It bothered him as much as he was relieved by it.


His eyes narrow. Was this how he survived so long? Because she always was at his back, like a second instinct? He shakes his head. That wasn't important right now.

Self- Selves? Eh. Either way, reflection could wait.

He sweeps the room before focusing on the fairy as she glides into the room.


He was dying to know what the fuck was she up to. What had her suddenly changing her attitude?

Cause whatever it was, it certainly wasn't fucking good.

When she passes his rafter he slips down, landing quietly on the pads of his feet behind her.

He grins when she doesn't react.

Instead of announcing himself, he falls in step behind her, proud of himself for once again proving he could sneak up on people without them noticing.

He follows silently, waiting for her acknowledgment.

But even he's surprised at how long he manages to remain unseen, trailing after her as she fusses around, kicking the furniture in the dusty room she'd led them to.

How the fuck could she not tell he was here when his family always aware of where he was? His eyes narrow.


How the fuck did they always know?

Before he can clear his throat to end his misery she bends over, grunting as she slides an old TV on a stack of moldy boxes closer to the couch.

She lets out a screech as she backs into him, instantly whipping up and around up to glare into his face.


"Sup mom?" He lifts a brow with a shit-eating grin.

"You!" Maleficent presses her hand to her chest before her nose scrunches up in dark amusement, "Oh you little- You."

He snorts, as he moves to center the TV in front of the couch. "So, what we watchin'?"

Maleficent gives him a wicked grin, "You know what kiddo, you want to hang around and find out you're more-" She gestures grandly to her setup, "-than welcome." She snorts as she rubs her hands together before she turns and continues fussing over the room.

Cracks in the MaskOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant