IVs and Basins

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Hey Descendants,

Ready for another update? I know we are.

In the last update, we focused on what Deez and Gil were doing in the aftermath of T being rescued.

This chapter is as split as the Sea Family is.

We hope you enjoy :)


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Yensid sighs as he eyes the dilapidated ship these kids had somehow turned into a fairly decent home. It spoke not to the resilience of kids in general, but the tenacity of these children specifically.

Because these kids had it far too hard.

T should be in a hospital. Not held together by a scared, though incredible, girl and a boy that looked and sounded like he'd gone through hell to bring T back.

His hand tightens painfully over the handles of his bag. The bastards who did this shouldn't be brought to justice by a child, but from what he could tell, Harry was also shouldering that weight.

Gil and Hyades shouldn't feel like burdens, unable to help, unallowed to know. It wasn't hard to sense their thoughts on the situation, even though they weren't talking about it.

He understood the Captain's hesitation with the knowledge. Hyades was traumatized by just seeing T's legs. And Gil, from everything he knew about the boy, would probably rip the entire isle apart in his rage if he were to find out what the girl had endured.

None of this should be happening. He clenches his jaw. But it was. And the best he could do was try to keep T alive.

Try. He swallows hard.

At least T had better odds now. When he'd first arrived, first seen the pure carnage-

His eyes narrow. It was going to take nothing short of willpower to fight that level of pain and infection. The rock salt certainly hadn't helped anything. He grits his teeth.

The gruesomeness of what T had survived was deplorable to every degree. It had almost destroyed him to find out why T had come to his house that night. Nearly killed him to see T so distraught. And now this. Frollo was, no, had been a vile villain.

When he reaches the door, he takes a deep breath, clearing his head of all the dark thoughts before he knocks, "It's me, Captain."

"Oh thank Poseiden," She rushes to the door and swings it open, "Come in."

He walks in and immediately begins to set up his supplies again. The bedside table quickly fills with tubes, bags of clear liquids, syringes, and dark brown bottles with strange lids.

Once he's done with his set up he places a hand against T's forehead. He was still far too hot for his liking. "Both of you, please come here. It would be best if you learned how to do this." He states as the two immediately crowd him.

"What we be ah needin' ta do?" Harry asked as his brow furrows. His hand hesitantly reaches out to touch a bag, but a sharp shake of Uma's head stills him.

"I'm going to teach you how to start an iv. I brought extras so if you need the practice feel free to use them. I've already ordered more."

"What's an iv?" Uma asks, her brow furrowing as she looks over the table.

"An iv is the best method to deliver fluids and antibiotics into someone is T's condition. The hardest part will be getting it into place. After that, we'll hook up these tubes, and these bags. We change when they start to empty. We can also inject medication into the tubes. I imagine that will only make this easier for the two of you."

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