Joining In

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Happy Monday Morning Descendants!

We're back with another update for you. How is Harry going to handle T being MIA? Will Deez cave under the pressure of being the messenger for T? What was it Deez wanted to talk to Harry about?

We hope you enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to Join(ing) In below with a review. We look forward to hearing from you.

We just wrapped up an all-night writing session, gonna hit the hay for a couple of hours and then get back to it.

Wish us luck?

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

It hurt that T left like this. He thought they'd been making progress. He sighs as follows behind Deez, his eyes never leaving the back of her hood. Not that he thought she'd take off like T had, but he was afraid she might connect something and run after a hunch, thinking she knew where T could be. He wasn't losing both of them on the same day.

He was fast. He knew that. But he couldn't even beat T in a race, let alone Deez.

Damn runners. He and T were going to have a long talk when he got back. He'd make him promise to not pull a stunt like this again, since promises were so important to him.


Deez ducks around a corner, pulling him from his thoughts as he races to catch up.

Didn't he just say he didn't want this to happen? Like fuck was she getting away from him that easily. He grunts when he finds himself pulled into an alcove.

"You're making a lot of noise for being led to a secret hang out," Deez whispers as she frowns up at him.

"You be the one who be ah duckin' me," Harry whispers with a slight glare. "I be ah losin' enough family fer one day." He frowns.

She closes her eyes as she lets go of his jacket, "Sorry, it's just what we do- did. What we did to make sure we weren't being followed."

He nods as he drops a hand to her hood. "Jay be ah teachin' ya that one?" That sounded just like Mal's second. He was nearly as bad as T when it came to making sure his own family could survive.

Deez gives him a small sad smile, "Yeah, he did. It's so- ingrained, I guess? But I don't even think about it until it happens now."

"Aye." He sighs, "I be ah gettin' it. Jus' be throwin' me off is all."

"Sorry. But we're here." She points up at an old, beaten up, and nearly falling apart metal set of retractable stairs.

Harry nods as he studies the sign. Warning flying rocks, huh?

"Carlos and Jay tried to keep rocks thrown all over the place here, but-" She sighs as she looks around. "We might need to do this like T, or remember to bring something to throw next time."

"Aye?" Harry nods, "An' how T be ah doin' it?"

She peeks out, looking around quickly before she sighs, "Feel like giving me a boost? I've never been able to run up the wall or jump as high as T can."

"Aye, kid do be wiry." He nods before he picks her up and places her on his shoulders. "What ya need to be doin'?"

"He says I'm just lazy." She admits with a scrunched face as she with a surprising amount of grace climbs to stand on his shoulders before she surprises him further by jumping to hang from a small sign hinge.

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