Real Monsters

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Hiya Descendants,

Yay Friday update! Also later we're doing a facebook live, at 8 pm eastern.

As of the last update, T is still recovering from the torture Frollo put him though trying to 'save' Faustina. But with Uma, Harry, and Yensid on the job hopefully our favorite Shadow will be able to make a full recovery.

We also saw Gil and Deez working through their worries at the cove. Gil is really letting the hammer and anvil have it, while Deez is trying to overcome a weakness so she'll never let her family down again.

What's in store for the sea family when all they can do is wait?

We hope you enjoy Real Monsters

-Dark and Twisted-

(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"You look like shit," T mumbles weakly, with one eye barely open.

Uma blinks before she looks up from her book. "Seriously?" She snaps it shut in surprise before she rolls to her knees, leaning over T. "I look like shit?" She hisses, "ME?!"

But T was already asleep again. Shrimpy mewls her displeasure at the shifting of the bed before she curls into a tighter ball by T's neck and goes back to sleep.

Uma glares before she reaches across T and shakes Harry. The sheer audacity!

Harry stirs quickly as he opens his eyes and sits up. "Aye? What be ah happenin?" As he looks from Uma to T in concern, "When the damn cat be ah gettin' in here?"

"T said! T..." Uma puffs her cheeks as she struggles to verbalize her frustration, "That little... T told me I look like shit..." She stops as her eyes tear up, "Harry! Oh fuck!" She presses her fingers to her lips, "He talked!"

Harry's lips split into a grin as he looks back up at her. "He be ah wakin' then?"

"Yeah. The little fucking Brat." She chuckles giddily. "If she can tell me I look like shit I think she's going to be okay, Pretty Boy." Uma smiles as she puts a hand to T's forehead. He was still hot. She frowns as she looks up at the iv bag. She didn't feel comfortable changing doses on her own, so she was just going to have to wait for today's visit from Yensid.

Harry's chuckle was the lightest it had been in days as he tears up, "Aye, that would be bein' his first words."

Uma clears her throat before she looks back to Harry, though she doesn't try to hide the tears trailing down her face, "It's a good sign, I think, but he's still feverish." Yensid said they were giving him things to keep him asleep and comfortable so he could fight the infection.

So how had he woken up?

"But it be the most he be ah doin' in days." Harry grins at her as he wipes his eyes. He rolls out of bed and walks around to her before he sits beside her. His hand cups the back of her head as he pulls her in for a passionate kiss in his excitement.

Uma smiles against his lips before she returns it, holding to him tightly in her desperation for everything to be okay. She was so tired.

When Harry eventually pulls back he looks down at her with a small smile, "But ya do be ah knowin' he ain'nah bein' wrong, aye?" His face grows stern, "I do be ah tellin' ya, ya be ah needin' sleep." He rubs the calloused pads of his fingers over what must have been dark bags under her eyes.

Uma looks away, "I couldn't." Not when she felt so responsible for the condition T had shown up in. She knew that she shouldn't have just let it go. Given him that out the day he'd come back to finish the ship. Her instincts screamed at her that something bad was going to happen. And she'd ignored it. It was T. She'd had no idea Faustina had even existed. How was she supposed to know shit was going to go so fucking sideways? Not that that was an excuse. But now that she'd spoken to the other girl... She could see where T's uncharacteristic concern had come from.

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