Cliffs and Conversations

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Hiya Descendants,

We're back for another Monday update. Due to life being the way it is right now, we're having to take a step back and only post on Mondays and Fridays. It's just for now though, and as soon as we're able to return to three updates a week we'll let you know.

But now, are you ready for some Cliffside Conversations? Oh, that's not the title of this chapter? Meh, close enough. Get ready for a jaw dropping T moment as well as some character growth.

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

He wasn't sure this was the best plan, but ever since he found out- He couldn't let it go.

Honestly, he couldn't believe how much Uma trusted him. He was sure that would end the minute they got to their destination, he'd stake his new sword on it. That didn't stop him from appreciating the trust while it lasted. It meant so much to him that after all of the shit he'd done she hadn't lost it.

She'd been silent nearly the whole walk, not that he was complaining. It was just odd for Uma. He wasn't sure he'd ever spent this long with her without talking. What was she thinking about? Did she know what he was thinking? No- There was no fucking way. She'd have killed him by now if she did.

He was pretty sure a normal person would probably be concerned by how distracted she seemed when they were about to do what he was planning. Then again he doubted a normal person wouldn't do what he was about to.

Seriously though, if she didn't kill him there was a good chance one of her boys would- That is if the impact didn't kill him.

Still. If they were all serious about facing their fears, he sighs.

He looks up at the barrier with a frown. He couldn't think of a better way than to face it head-on and once the idea popped into his head he couldn't get it out.

He's pulled from his thoughts when Uma suddenly stops and he walks into her. Oh. They were here. That was quick.

"I can do this. It's just a stupid climb down a fucking drop." Uma takes a deep breath.

"Of course you can." He assures her as they reach the edge of the cliff where the path to climb down was. "But seriously Uma," He takes her hand and guides her past it till they were near the outcrop of the cliff over the water, "Look at this." He says as he gestures to the view of Auradon. "Heights are totally worth it when it comes to this type of shit." He adds, though he was too busy looking down at the waves crashing beneath them to appreciate it.

Uma smiles as she looks out over the ocean, "Too bad it's blocked by the barrier, otherwise, you're right. This is a wicked view."

"Thought you'd like it." T turns to her with a small smile on his lips, letting her take in the view for a moment.

Yep. She was going to fucking kill him.

"So, how cold do you think the water really is? It's a bit warmer today than usual."

"Still cold enough to eventually kill." Uma frowns, "It's one of the things my mother likes to threaten the crew with when they fuck up." She furrows her brow as she looks back to T, "But the pool Deez made is heated, so it doesn't matter."

"Yeah, but that's not big enough to race in." His lips pouting.

"Race?" Uma questions, her voice hesitant as she tilts her head.

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