Stitches, Whips, and Swords

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Heya Descendants,

Friday update!

Thank you to everyone who supported us during our Facebook live. That was, as usual, a lot of fun.

We hope you enjoy the chapter, don't forget to leave us a review or ask questions. Any question you have will end up being answered during the Friday Facebook live we do. So don't hold back :)

Lots of Love


Stay Safe and Sane,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"You've been biting at the bit for over a week." Uma rolls her eyes as she leans against the door frame and crosses her arms, "And now you don't want to let me even check the damn things?"

"All I said is that I can check them."

"Except you can't. You can't see the stitches on your back." Uma sighs, "T, it'll just be quicker if you let me do this. Because I can also just remove them, which I know is what you want." There, if that didn't catch T's attention nothing would.

T studies the glass instruments on the table as he drums his fingers on the table. "You're not wrong." He sighs. "Seriously? You'll remove them?" He asks as he brings up one hand to his arm. She couldn't miss the hope in his voice.

"And hey," Uma nods as she quickly presses her advantage, "you're in luck. Deez and Gil scampered off to the cove to work on something, and Harry's out roaming the streets. So it's just us. No interruptions, means it'll be done right and fast."

T takes a deep breath before he lets it out. He squeezes his arm, his eyes never leaving her as if he were weighing his options. "You're sure I can't just remove them on my own?"

Uma groans, "Look, if it'll make you feel better, I'll get the ones on your back and side you can't, and then we'll see how you do reaching others, but, if it's an unnecessary strain, I get to take over again. No use wearing yourself out if someone is here to help."

T bites his lip.

"Besides, I need you back to fightin' form. We have a lot of work to get done. So," Uma rolls her lips as she looks away, "So, if you'll just trust me a little longer, I know we can get you back into shape."

T's eyes brighten as he lets out a resigned sigh and stands up. "Deal."

Uma smiles, "That means a lot to me." She holds her hand out, "I know I haven't shown it in the past, but I promise I'll always have your and our family's best interest at heart when I make decisions."

T tilts his head to the side, "Whale shit you haven't." He stares at her hand for a moment before he takes it, quickly shaking her hand before he drops it, "You've shown it time and time again. Your family is everything to you, even I can see that."

"But can you see that you're part of it?" Uma questions before she resumes her cross-arm lean against the door frame, "Cause in the past I know I made some choices that could have easily encouraged you to think you weren't." Her choice to pursue Deez instead of confronting T about his actions still weighed heavily on her. It didn't matter that everything had ended up working out, she knew she could have helped T avoid so much of the suffering he'd lived through. Unnecessary suffering at the hands of a deranged old man.

T's brows furrow, "Now whose being dumb? You haven't done anything but make me feel like I belong with you guys..." He steps back. "I'm," He looks around the sanctuary her, Harry, and James had put together for him, "I still don't get it, but I do see it. You guys have done so much for me over the last couple of weeks, years. How could I not?"

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