Realistic Expectations

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Hey Descendants,

I'm so sorry! Twisted and I actually got to write today, so I forgot to post the updated chapter.

Lots of Love and Apologies,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Huh. That had not been what he expected. Like at all. But not in a bad way. Just in a way that didn't have him dragging her up the stairs kicking and screaming so she'd join them in the cabin.

He just couldn't bring himself to do it. He glances back down the stairs with a curious frown before he sighs and heads back to the cabin.

If nothing else he finally knew what everyone else had been hiding from him now. So, all that was left was talking to his Captain and First Mate about how this was setting a shitty example for their new family members. Secrets were the reason T ended up in such a bad way in the first place. He runs a hand through his hair.

He steps back into the cabin. "We need to talk." He interrupts as he walks over to sit at the table next to where Harry was brushing Deez's hair, and Uma was watching deep in thought.

Harry furrows his brow as the brush slows.

Uma shakes her head, as she looks over at him. "I know," She sighs, "I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner but-"

"But nothing Uma." Gil frowns as he crosses his arms. "I thought we weren't going to keep secrets anymore. Especially T's." He frowns. "Look where that got us last time? There's no way any of us have forgotten that. We can't be mad at Deez and T for keeping stuff from us if we're keeping stuff from each other. It's setting a bad example." He looks between Uma and Harry in disapproval.

Good. They should look away. It wasn't often he called them out. Almost never. He trusted and respected the two of them, so he rarely found the need to correct them. This time, however? This wasn't cool.

Deez frowns as her eyes drop to her lap.

Uma turns back to him first, "Gil," She runs a hand over her braids.

Gil lifts his brow at her pause. "Waiting."

"You're right." She sighs. "We should've told you sooner. That wasn't fair, and you're right, it's not the best way to show our new family members how to act. Sorry."

Harry sighs, "We both be mate." He shakes his head. "We did'nah be knowin' how ya be ah takin' it."

His eyes narrow. "I might not have taken it the best, but that still doesn't make it right that you two thought it was okay to not tell me..." He wanted to say it didn't change things, he really did. But now that he knew just what T had been protecting all these years, he couldn't help but feel protective too. He wasn't thrilled about the thought of T going off ship alone anymore, but to be fair, he had felt that way since before this morning. "Family doesn't keep secrets. At least this one doesn't."

"I agree." Uma nods slowly, "There's no excuse for what we did, all I can say is I'll do better. I should have at least said I needed to tell you something, but didn't know how."

Gil nods in approval as he feels some of his tension seep from him. "This is going to be hard enough for-" He glances at Deez. He wasn't sure she'd had lied to him about anything in years. At least nothing more than absently saying she was okay when she wasn't. "T to learn to trust us like we want him too, with us keeping stuff from each other. And Faustina just tried to lie to me too." He rubs the back of his neck, "Poorly," He fights a smile. He'd have given up his anvil for the rest of their family to have seen her trying to pretend to be T. "but still, the attempt was there."

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