Secrets worth Keeping

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Hey Descendants!

Check out what Twisted has been up to lately! We're on YouTube! Just search for Dark and Twisted Sisters.

She's got two videos up so far, I really enjoyed them, but we'd love to know what you think.

As for today's chapter, well, forewarning, there is sex. There's a lot of other stuff too, and the sex is kind of important to the growth of the characters involved.

I promise it's not like, in your face.

This is one of my favorite chapters, so I would really love to hear what you guys think.

And don't forget to check out Twisted's review after the chapter. She always makes me laugh when she's writing those.

Lots of Love,


Deez had been mistaken for Harry or T, by someone who wanted them dead.

That's what he'd been missing earlier.

By no means was he okay with what those two had been up to. He'd been doing his best to just push it out of his head. It was an ugly task, but one he understood had to be done.

He just didn't know why they couldn't give the list to Maleficent and wash their hands of it. She'd clearly gone along with it.

Now that he knew more of the story though? Knew that Deez had been attacked because of her disguise. He exhales heavily.

No wonder Uma and Harry had been so stiff when Jame's had delivered the news about the newly formed gang this morning. Because they knew, or at least guessed.

He grimaces.


What the fuck was he doing? What the fuck had he been thinking? The scene James had described had been... Disturbing to hear at the least.

His eyes dart to Deez who was still climbing down the cliff. Did she know what T had done? He closes his eyes and lets his forehead rest against the cool rock.

T wouldn't have done something that atrocious in front of her, would he?

He honestly wasn't a hundred percent sure right now. And the realization made his stomach turn.

At least she was talking about how killing someone, even in self-defense, was affecting her. It bothered him to his core that Harry and T hadn't so much as referenced it.

Killing Frollo in an act of rage had been one thing- But this whole culling thing? It just felt wrong.

He was going to have to talk to them about this. Tell them that he wasn't okay with it. Like at all.

What were the long term effects on the two of them going to be? He was already worried about T's mental state, and not because of Faustina.

He could just tell something had been eating at him for weeks.

It hurt that he wasn't talking to him about it, but he didn't want to push either.

He was regretting that decision now though.

And Harry? This little venture had nearly killed him.

He sighs. This just all around seemed a bit too dark. Too gruesome. Were they going to be able to come back from this self-appointed mission?

He jumps down the remainder of the cliff. He didn't want to think about that right now. Not when he couldn't do anything about it.

His eyes linger on Deez as she works her way down. He worries his bottom lip between his teeth.

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