What's in a Name?

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Sorry guys!

Birthday shenanigans have been happening this week, and long story short, while I'm having a very happy birthday week and being spoiled by my awesome husband and bestie, I forgot what day it was.


But here you guys go! One new chapter.

Don't forget to let us know you were here, we love reading messages.

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for Twisted's review.)

She'd never admit it to her family, unless under duress, but she'd missed walking around the Isle. Missed seeing everyone, even if she had to remain hidden and not alert them to her presence.

She happily taps her notebook hidden in the overly large pouch as she struggles to keep pace with T without her mood showing through.

She'd never hear the end of it if she started skipping.

She only had a little more work to put into the notebook before handing it off to Irk. It was some of her favorite writing. She never would have thought to use pictures, which on this side of it seemed ridiculous now. It made for an interesting piece.

"So after this we're going to the cove to practice for the rest of the nigh-" She looks up, trying to figure out the time based on the moon like Uma and Gil were teaching her. The sun was definitely still down, but it felt like it would be trying to come up soon. "Morning?"

T turns, walking backward with his hands in his pockets, "I mean, you've got everything you need right?"

She shrugs, "I'm not sure the shinies I have will be enough, but Irk knows I'm good for it."

"They'll be plenty." T chuckles as he turns back around. "Though I'm sure Irk won't complain if you give 'im more."

"Irk's not much of a complainer." She chuckles.

"Nope." T nods, "He really ain't."

"So, meeting with the goblins, swimming, barge hunting, and then picking Dizzy up on our way back to the cove." Dizzy had been so excited by the invitation to the cove, and the ship.

She just hoped her Granny would let her go.

T would end up getting creative if she said no.

"Sound's right to me..." T agrees after a moment, "Speakin' of meetings with Goblins though." He turns and pulls her into an alcove. "I need you to do me a solid."

Uh oh. A solid.

After all the warnings she and T had gotten from the family? "That sounds dangerous." She half-smiles.

T rubs the back of his neck, "I just-" He sighs. "I don't need you connecting dots on this. So, I need you to promise that when we meet up with them, there'll be no eavesdropping. Intentional or otherwise."

Deez holds her hand up, "I've already connected some dots. Just so you're aware. But-" She bites her lip as she pulls her hands behind her back, "I appreciate you telling me what you need."

It was strange that her family, the family that was so adamant about telling the truth all the time, all seemed to be on the same page about keeping her in the dark about whatever was happening on the Isle.

Her only consolation about the whole thing was the fact that, for whatever reason, it seemed to make them all feel better about themselves to keep her out of it.

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