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Morning Descendants!

Getting a chapter out to you a little earlier in the day than I normally do, we're just so excited because we've gotten so much work done on book 5!

We hope you enjoy the update, and please don't forget to leave us some love!


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Faustina frowns at the soft knock before she pulls the bottle she was working on away from the flame. Only one of their family members would knock so hesitantly. She pads her way over to the door and opens it, smiling when she finds Deez.

"Sorry to bother you," Deez smiles as she slips silently into the room, "I promise it's just a quick question though."

She closes the door before she turns and studies Deez, "How can I help you?' She offers as she walks over to a crate and sits down before motioning to the chair across from her.

Deez tilts her head to the side as her eyes narrow thoughtfully, "Wait-" She takes a hesitant step closer as she stares into her shadowed eyes, "Faustina?"

She smiles as she nods her head, "I suppose you were hoping to find T." She bites her lip as she starts fidgeting with the sleeve of her hoodie. "Sorry."

"No-" Her blue eyes light up, "Well, I mean yes, I guess I was, but I'm so excited to finally talk to you. Like for real talk to you." She squeaks happily as she dances excitedly in place, "I mean, you've talked to everyone else now, so I was starting to worry that I'd done something or scared you, but I'm just happy you're talking to me."

She tilts her head to the side. She was pretty sure Gil had felt similarly. "Sorry." She bows her head slightly, "I promise it wasn't personal, I just-" She bites her lip. "T and I both agreed it would be safer if I didn't come out unless I was here or the cabin and-" She bites her lip harder, "I'm not comfortable around so many people. It gets too loud. And overwhelming. Sorry if I hurt your feelings."

"Oh." Deez quickly sits in the chair, "Sorry. I get that." She says in a much more even tone. "I had a hard time at first too. I still have to get away sometimes."

"I know." She offers the smaller girl a smile. "Thank you." She sighs as she stops fidgeting and folds her hands in her lap.

"But you didn't hurt my feelings or anything. I just, kind of figured you'd come back out when you wanted too. Now that I've seen your eyes, I know I've seen you before. It makes more sense now that I understand a little better."

She can't help her smile, leave it to Deez to notice something so subtle. Still, it was curious, she couldn't recall being out on the isle, at least not around Deez. Still... It made some things make more sense. Interesting.

Then again most things Deez noticed were.

She nods, "Now that I know..." She looks away, as she fidgets with the hoodie again. "We know-" She corrects herself. "I'm pretty sure it was me most of the time whenever we- Me and T, were one on one with a member of Book Club... Ever since we found out, they're the memories that stand out the most to me." She admits.

She apparently had a thing for other introverts. They tended to be calmer and quieter than their counterparts. Not that she didn't enjoy spending time with the others but sometimes they could scare her with their random outbursts.

"I think it was even before that. I think it was you helping me teach Gil how to read after the first few days." She chuckles lightly, "I thought you and T were messing with me at one point-" She stares off for a moment before she shakes her head.

Cracks in the MaskTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon