Coves, Hills, and Mountains

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Hiya Descendants!

Happy first chapter update of the week!

That's a mouthful ain't it? But I kind of like it better than Happy Monday.

So, in the last chapter, we got to see Faustina's point of view as the family gathered to work on their math homework. And then Deez shut down on the family.

Are you ready for the cove?

Did I hear a yes?

We hope you enjoy the chapter.

Lots of Love!


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Six people in the dinghy was a tight fit.

Deez takes another deep breath as she looks out over the water before she gives up and buries her face against Gil's chest again.

At least she wasn't crying anymore. Sea Gods that was so stupid.

I have to break down why I'm right and I suck at that in every damn part of my life.

She'd said it out loud before she'd even realized she felt that way. Felt like she just sucked at explaining everything. Then it turned into her not being able to articulate why just trying wasn't an option. If she was going to do anything, it was going to be done right. That was all. Just those seemingly harmless thoughts.

Then Harry snapped at her, and Uma told her to stop throwing a tantrum.

And that had been it. She just started crying after that. And she hadn't been able to stop. Even when all she wanted was to tell them she was fine. Beg them to stop trying to make her feel better about the math.

The stupid fucking math. Even it wanted damn explanations from her, and she didn't like it. If she couldn't give good explanations to her family, to people she loved, then why was it so fucking special that it got to demand she explain herself.

She huffs in frustration when she notices her eyes burning again.


Why couldn't she stop the hurt?

Why couldn't she explain the hurt to herself?

She just wanted to get to the cove, heat the water, and then hide in the back of the cave for a few hours. She just wanted to figure out what her problem was so she could make it go away.

As much as it had mortified her when Yensid walked in, his suggestion that they should move class to the cove for a change of scenery at least shifted some of the attention off of her.

Next time she would just keep her mouth shut if she thought she was going to disappoint Uma. Better to disappoint her than make her worry incessantly. Better to stay silent than find herself defending an opinion she could only barely understand.

She could still feel Uma watching her. Harry too.

She picks her head up enough to check where they were before she hides her face again. Almost there.

The moment she feels the dingy bump into the sand she slips down to sit between Gil's legs, giving him room to jump out with Harry to pull it to shore. As she grips the seat in front of her, she can't help but find Faustina's focused attention to her workbook odd. How could she focus with that many people and that much movement?

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