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Hey Descendants!

Sorry I'm getting this out to you so late. We had a storm today that kept knocking out the power, so after the third time I unplugged everything because that was some scary thunder and lightning.

Beautiful, but scary and I've already had one computer fry.

But it's gone, and I remembered!

Yay me.

And hopefully you enjoy the new chapter, which will be a yay for you as well.

Are you ready for a very important discussion? I mean... Deez-cussion?

Lots of love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"You really need to work on more than defense Deez." Uma sighs, as Gil nods.

She huffs as Jay and T's agreeance on the subject echoed in her mind. She sits up taller and takes in a deep breath, "I do," She admits, "but I'm not comfortable workin' on it on the ship."

"You don't like working on it at the cove either," Gil bluntly calls her out.

"I don't like it." She shrugs, "but I'll do it because I'll be more comfortable there. You want me to practice offensive on the ship, let me use a training sword."

"You need to get used to your blade." Uma frowns, "So looks like we're going to the cove tomorrow."

"Fine." Deez crosses her arms over her chest. It felt like they were picking at everything she wasn't good at.

Everything she wasn't good at all at once.

She closes her eyes as she takes a deep breath, but she knew that wasn't true.

"Don't be like that Deez," Gil wraps an arm around her shoulders. "But T's right, you hate using your fire to defend yourself so you need to learn how to use a sword."

"More things I suck at." She sighs. She was more stung by her conversation with Gil than she'd wanted to admit.

Natural at everything.

Used to just being good.

Yeah right.

She put in months of hard work to get her fire under control. Even more time getting her strength under control. She knew how to use a sword, and sure, she understood the concept of if you don't use it you lose it, but she hated fighting against people she was scared of hurting.

"You just need to practice." Uma shakes her head. "I know it can be frustrating, but that's how you get better."

"Yeah," Gil nods. "I used to be super clumsy with them when I first started. I can't tell you how many times I accidentally cut or almost impaled myself. And we all know T-" He chuckles, "Was one of the worst at it, but look how far he's come. He's gotten good enough that he can hold his own against Harry now." He squeezes her to his side."We wouldn't push you if we thought you'd be hopeless."

"Sweet Boy's right, we know you can do this. You just hate the idea of hurting people."

"Yeah. I do." She snaps before she takes another deep breath, "I don't want to hurt anyone, and if I damaged your baby?" She pulls her fingers through her hair until she can tug on the ends, "I hate having to balance it all while dealing with moving around a wooden ship and avoiding the edges in case I over adjust or pull back to fast."

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