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Hiya Descendants Fam!

Second update of the week! And only baby Max as a distraction. (But he's an adorable distraction, so please forgive him.)

Ready for some Uma perspective?

And hopefully a little Understanding?

Don't forget to follow us, like our story, and leave us messages. We appreciate and love all the support.

Lots of Love!


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

She looks up from her book at Gil's contented sigh and smiles. She knew she should probably wake the two up, but with Harry and T off the ship, she was willing to let some things slide. Besides, the sight of her Sweet Boy wrapped protectively around her Baby Girl made her heart melt.

The fact that they'd admitted having feelings for each other at the cove wasn't lost on her. She knew it had been coming, she was just surprised at how quickly the two had realized it, or owned it. She smiles as she shakes her head. She'd noticed their growing feelings over the years. But, they'd grown more intense once Deez joined them.

Her smile widens as she turns back to her workbook.

Deez had joined them.

She was her's. Their's.

She wasn't sure she'd ever get tired of saying it. It had taken years, and a lot of effort, pain, and perseverance. But she finally had what was hers.

Finally had what she'd worked towards since she held Deez to her hip when she'd first discovered she had a cousin. She'd loved the feeling. To have someone to love and take care of. It had been addictive. It was still unbelievable.

She meant it when she told Deez that if it hadn't been for her, she might never have found her true calling. Even becoming a Captain had stemmed from her wanting to provide a safe haven for the people she cared for.

She lets out her own contented sigh as she gets back to work, wanting to get ahead of the others so she could help them when they needed it.

She finishes several more sections without a problem, but then a new concept stumps her.

She narrows her eyes at it for several moments. Like she could will it to make sense before she sighs and stands to find T, or rather Faustina's, workbooks. She grabs the whole set before she returns to her seat.

When she notices loose paper in the science book she grins. Was Faustina that prepared that she knew they were going to need help? Seemed like the Beautiful Girl to her.

She opens the book on the table in front of her before her eyes widen.

Oh, that's what she'd been doing in the hammock. She smiles as she spreads the pages out, easily falling captive to the looks Faustina had managed to capture for each of her family members.

It was beautiful.

It was oddly exciting.

She recognized the looks Faustina had sketched for Deez, Gil, and Harry. She was pretty sure she could even guess when her own face had been contorted with lust or gleaming with a wicked grin.

How had she captured the looks so well? In the dark. With them constantly moving and changing positions. It was astounding.

She runs a finger over Harry's wild-eyed grin. She'd seen that look on his face every time she or Gil agreed to give him attention. But caught on the page, it was more than just sexy as fuck.

Cracks in the MaskTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang