Personal Hell

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Hey Descendants!

Sorry we're so late getting this chapter out today. I might have been slightly dying on the couch for a couple of hours... ugh.

Don't worry, I got better :)

And speaking of better, Twisted and I have an announcement! We will be resuming our three updates a week schedule, starting this week. Isn't that exciting? More torment ;)

Last week you guys got a little bit of a break as we watched Deez completely accept her place with Uma, making the Sea Three the Sea Four. So many of you let us know how much you appreciated getting to see that moment even in the face of what T is going through. Thank you so much for that support. We were afraid we'd messed with the flow of the story too much, but hearing you guys praise us was not only a relief, but inspiring as well.

We're back at writing today, getting the last few chapters of this book wrapped up. ;)

But back to the story. Are you prepared to follow Harry's renewed search for T? Deez definitely pointed out something they already suspected, wherever Frollo is...

Are you ready for Harry's Personal Hell?

Lots of love Reader!



If you have a account and haven't voted on our poll for Book 4, please don't forget to stop by our profile page on that site. We still haven't figured out how to do things like that here.
We're going to be putting a new poll out soon, and we'd really like to get as many opinions as we can.

(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Where the fuck was Frollo?

Harry frowns as he walks up the stairs that led to the bookshelf Uma had described to him.

The man was notoriously resolute on not stepping foot onto the 'sinful soil' of the isle. To the point, he got his items from the commissary delivered.

It took him all of ten minutes to get those answers. Such easy, obvious answers now that he thought about it. And yet no one could answer his big one.

"Where be the big man with the salvation learnin'?" Harry asks no one in particular, which was about as helpful as his hundred other attempts with an audience. Willing or not.

He glares down at the hook in his hand. Such a small, intimidating thing. He couldn't wait to see the look on the old prick's face when he demonstrated how easy it would be to gut him with it. How little he would care if he followed through. He shakes his head, he just wanted T back.

Sea Gods help the bastard if he'd laid a hand on his family. On his T.

Finally, he sighs as he walks over to the suspiciously placed bookshelves, scanning the book titles until he finds the faded one with the fancy flowing script, Purity.

He gags but tips the book back until he hears a latch pop open.

This was it. He slides behind the hinged bookshelf into the dark hallway beyond it.

"No wonder T be so good with the dark." He grumbles as he rolls his eyes. He pulls out a flashlight and flicks it on, making his way down the hall until he comes to the open door.

He takes a deep breath before he slips into the room, telling himself he was ready for whatever oppressive shit this place could throw at him. He shifts the beam of the flashlight around, holding his breath.

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